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immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2013-09-15 19:19
Subject: Requests: 25 Days of Christmas
Security: Public

25 Days of Christmas

Hello everyone! I'm planning to do a fanwork a day in December leading up to Christmas and while I do have some specific things in mind that I had intended to do last December, but never got around to and figured that I'd ask for some requests!

I know I did a request post last year for fics (and I really hope that it wasn't the year before that as I've still got fics to post that I wrote for those... they just need to get beta read), but hopefully doing it this way (with specific posting dates in mind) will see them posted in the near future instead of in 10 years.

about what I offer / plan on doing )

Tentative schedule:
• Most of it is at the same date as my schedule for last year (and I was so glad I never mentioned it anywhere since I ended up not doing a single day off of it!)
• I'll probably try to mix both fandoms and different styles of fanworks so it doesn't get to be too boring

Schedule )

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immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2012-06-23 15:07
Subject: Prompt Me
Security: Public
Tags:!fic, !requests

This is also from January, but considering I had only two requests which are only half-written or so, I'm still taken prompts :)

I tried this once before and I never finished all the pairings I think, but I want to give this another try :D

I feel like writing a bit more again (and there's a bigbang due in March? April? Summaries due in February I think... that I haven't really started on, but my head's on short stories at the moment) and would like to challenge myself by writing pairings I wouldn't necessarily think of. There are few pairings that I won't try (such as Harry/Ginny since I don't think I could do it justice even if my view of it has mellowed quite a bit), but I'm open for most - no matter if they're het, slash, crossover or belong to my "usual" pairings.

Stories will probably end up being somewhere between 200 and 500 1000 words (the latter if I'm lucky).
I'll probably post them along side all those stories I found on my hard drive listed under either "with beta" or "ready for beta" that I still need to look through (to check if they've already been posted after all)

Fandoms I consider myself currently active in:
Doctor Who
Harry Potter

Fandoms I've been most recently active in (and wouldn't mind having something to pull me back in) or am trying to catch up with again:
Criminal Minds (finished season 2)
Star Wars
Sherlock Holmes (first movie with Jude Law & Robert Downey Jr.)
X-Men: First Class; X-Men (first movie)

You're welcome to use others (especially for crossovers), but I won't guarantee that I'm/I feel familiar enough with the fandom/character to use it.

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immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2009-08-12 19:44
Subject: Screencaps anyone?
Security: Public

I've recently figured out how to do automated screencaps off of DVDs using the VLC Player. Since it's easy to let it run in the background (for about as long as whatever gets capped takes to run through -- i.e. a 40 minute episode takes about 40 minutes depending on how busy my computer is)...

Anyway, that makes it easy to offer more screencaps :D So far the screencaps I made were 1024x576 in varying degrees of quality - depending on how much happens (movement of people/camera tends to make it blurry) and (potentially, I'm not sure though) how busy my computer is.

So, I've uploaded an excel file with the DVDs I own (kept for my own purpose usually just so I know what I have and where it is)... I've also started a list of DVDs my parents' own (-- for now what I can think of in the last five minutes) and published it using google docs: click here for list

If you want any, feel free to ask. So far I've made screencaps for HP5 and all the SW movies ith the exception of episode v (and that's because the DVD isn't where I am)

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immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2008-12-23 21:12
Subject: screencaps anyone?
Security: Public

So... I know I have plenty of new screencaps to zip and upload already, but I figured I'd open another request post where you can request that I make screencaps of specific episodes/movies.

For this purpose, I'm going to post a slightly updated version of my DVD list... I'll have to check at home to find out if I've got any there that aren't on the list yet, but I won't be able to check that until tomorrow... as it is, I plan on making screencaps until Sunday whenever I've got time away from my family. So if you've got an "urgent" request, be quick so I can check if I've got the DVD here or not as I might not pack it otherwise.

fandom list )

Another reason to be quick about requests... I've got several shows on my external hard drive and I won't take that home with me. So feel free to request anything and I'll get back to you if I have it or plan on getting it any time soon.

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immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2008-12-01 19:45
Subject: Taking Icon Requests
Security: Public

I'm going to take some time to make non icontest icons this months and am taking requests. There are two types of requests I'm taking.

Variant 1: Text icons

I plan on making Doctor Who quote icons (text only) and am willing to take on quotes and other text. They don't have to be for Doctor Who though. Anything goes.

Be aware that I won't change the spelling of words! I'm not familiar with the intentional misspelling of words and I'm going to assume that it's intentionally misspelled (if I even notice it ;) )

Variant 2: specific images

Here I'm willing to make icons from specific images, that you link me to. I'm not going to hunt for pictures. They will mostly be textless (unless you specify something), especially if I'm not familiar with the person/fandom/whatever.

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immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2008-05-03 14:13
Subject: Art Requests
Security: Public

Do you want me to make icons, wallpapers or other stuff for a specific fandom/episode? Feel free to request here either with the specifics. You can also request those things for specific pics (link please).
It might or might not, take time though, depending on my art muse. Sometimes it's the dominating one and sometimes my writing muse is the dominating one.

A last note... if you don't want to share your icons, wallpapers, etc. say so in the comment. Otherwise the results will be open for all.

click here for the outstanding requests )

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