Sacrificed Love - Screencaps anyone?
my journal

immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]love_sacrificed (posted by [info]immortalje)
Date: 2009-08-12 19:44
Subject: Screencaps anyone?
Security: Public

I've recently figured out how to do automated screencaps off of DVDs using the VLC Player. Since it's easy to let it run in the background (for about as long as whatever gets capped takes to run through -- i.e. a 40 minute episode takes about 40 minutes depending on how busy my computer is)...

Anyway, that makes it easy to offer more screencaps :D So far the screencaps I made were 1024x576 in varying degrees of quality - depending on how much happens (movement of people/camera tends to make it blurry) and (potentially, I'm not sure though) how busy my computer is.

So, I've uploaded an excel file with the DVDs I own (kept for my own purpose usually just so I know what I have and where it is)... I've also started a list of DVDs my parents' own (-- for now what I can think of in the last five minutes) and published it using google docs: click here for list

If you want any, feel free to ask. So far I've made screencaps for HP5 and all the SW movies ith the exception of episode v (and that's because the DVD isn't where I am)

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