Sacrificed Love - Asylums
my journal

immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]love_sacrificed (posted by [info]immortalje)
Date: 2008-07-12 16:10
Subject: Asylums
Security: Public
Tags:!masterlist, masterlist: asylums

Asylums I created and manage! Feel free to check them out and join.

[info]10prompts is a challenge community for fic writers. Right now there are 10 tables (10 prompts each) to pick from. All fandoms as well as slash, het and gen are welcome.
- stories should have a minimum length of 200 words. For further rules check out the rules post
- tables can be viewed here and I hope you find one interesting enough to join in on the fun.
- all questions can be asked in the rules post.


[info]harry_slash is for stories, art and anything else that features Harry Potter in a slash pairing. It's open for any rating and pairing (as long as it features Harry and is slash of course ;) ). Any questions left? Ask here


[info]stargate_xover is a place where you can post anything that's a crossover with either of the Stargate series. Any rating and any pairing is welcome.
Questions can be asked here


[info]dw_threesomes is for any and all threesomes for Doctor Who, Torchwood and the Sara Jane Adventures.
Comment here for questions.


[info]dw_fest is a challenge community, inspired by slashfest @ LJ with the difference that this fest is limited to Doctor Who, Torchwood and the Sarah Jane Adventures (and any other show/movie/etc related to them)
Right now you can submit prompts and vote for how long a round should be (the writing phase). I will announce when the claiming phase starts with enough time. Since this is the first round, I'll be waiting until enough prompts have been submitted though.
- For questions, check out this post
- Rules can be found here


[info]fandom_caps is a community to share and request Screencaps in. There are no limits to the fandom.


[info]icon_help is a place where you can share tutorials, ask questions about making icons or share resources. Discussions are welcome as well.
You're not limited to 100x100px graphics either.


[info]dailyicons is a weekly icon challenge for various TV Shows and movies.


[info]icontest_help is a community where Mod's of icontests, lims and other graphic challenges can ask for help. That help can be with any needs such as a lack of entries, votes or another opinion about a (possible) transgression by a participant.

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