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immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]love_sacrificed (posted by [info]immortalje)
Date: 2010-07-14 10:07
Subject: FIC: Waiting (Sanctuary)
Security: Public
Tags:!fic, fandom: sanctuary, pairing: helen/will

Since I'm posting any way... I might as well post something I have written for Sanctuary. I'm itching to become active in the fandom and sitting on fic isn't something I can do easily under those circumstances.

I was aiming for something longer, but suddenly realised I was at 99 words. I switch something around and got 100. I usually don't do drabbles, but when I already hit the perfect 100? Either way, I did write the (slighty) longer version as well... and it's posted right after.

Title: Waiting
Author: JE / [info]immortalje
Pairing: one sided Helen/Will
Summary: He didn't want to watch this.
Rating: FRT
Words: 100
Spoilers: REQUIEM
AN: Not beta read.


He didn’t want to watch this. He didn’t want to see her suffocate, least of all because he was the one that made sure she had no oxygen left. But he had to. Her life depended on it.

A second too soon and she might not be dead assuring that the parasite wouldn’t leave her. A second too late and he might not be able to resurrect her. It was a matter of seconds and for that he needed to know when exactly she died, needed to watch her suffer.

Still, it was better than pulling the trigger on her.

Title: Waiting
Author: JE / [info]immortalje
Pairing: one sided Helen/Will
Summary: Will contemplates his actions as Helen is about to die.
Rating: FRT
Words: 411
Spoilers: REQUIEM
AN: Not beta read.

He didn’t want to watch this. He didn’t want to see her suffocate, least of all because he was the one that made sure she had no oxygen left. But he had to. Her life depended on it.

A second too soon and she might not be dead assuring that the parasite wouldn’t leave her. A second too late and he might not be able to resurrect her. It was a matter of seconds and for that he needed to know when exactly she died, needed to watch her suffer.

Still, it was better than actually pulling the trigger. He could ignore what he was doing on the portable computer in relation to her current suffering. He could keep both things from connecting in his head. For now. He had no doubt that once everything was over, independent of the result, it would come back and haunt him.

If only it had been someone else down here with him. Ashley, Henry or even the Big Guy – It would all be that much easier. He didn’t love them like he loved Helen Magnus, no matter how doomed that love was. This was just another proof of it.

Helen didn’t need him to love her like that. She needed a student to educate, someone who could make important decisions about life and death without emotions making him hesitate.

To think that he had thought that the trip on the submarine would be a chance to be close to her and maybe see if she felt the same attraction. Well, the latter was quite obvious. He was a student and a kid in her eyes. How could he not with that age difference.

Maybe he shouldn’t have asked that day when he finally accepted her offer.

There she was, lying still on the floor. He could see her slowly breathing out and then nothing. Now it was time for action.

It surprised him how still his hands were as they returned the oxygen to normal before throwing the computer onto the bed and grabbing the med kit right next to him.

He needed to save her life as he wasn’t sure he would be willing to navigate back to the Sanctuary otherwise. He wasn’t even sure if he wanted to live if she didn’t and wasn’t that everything she didn’t want from him? Hadn’t she said she wanted him as her replacement should she die? He certainly was going to fail her in that.

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