lore's eclectibles

December 5th, 2008

lore's eclectibles

A Moment

I watched her read,
back hunched over
the book, legs
folded, a cocoon
for the pages.

I knew she was
at a good part
when her knees rose
toward her ears.


December 5th, 2008

Fic: Captured Cravings (McG, Snape/Lupin, R)

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Title: Captured Cravings
Author: lore
Characters: McG, SS/RL
Rating: R
Summary:As the war ends, Remus and Severus prepare to return to Hogwarts in a flurry of publicity. Only Minerva is aware of the status of their relationship, but she wants a closer look.
Disclaimer: Not my toys, because if they were, I'd have kept them all much better shape than JKR did.
Notes: ~7200 words. Minerva uses some archaic terms and occasionally has misguided and erroneous thoughts, which do not reflect the opinions, preferences or intelligence of the author. Betaed by a cast of thousands to be praised at a later date. Written for [info]purplefluffycat in the 2006 [info]snupin_santa exchange.

It came as no surprise that Remus Lupin and Severus Snape had become post-war pin-up boys )

Soundtrack - MDMix )

love, lore

x-posted: _lore, lupin_snape, LLLJ
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