lore's eclectibles

May 22nd, 2008

lore's eclectibles

A Moment

I watched her read,
back hunched over
the book, legs
folded, a cocoon
for the pages.

I knew she was
at a good part
when her knees rose
toward her ears.


May 22nd, 2008

Fic: Centering (Severus/Remus/Sirius, NC-17)

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Title: Centering
Author: lore
Pairing: S/S/R
Rating: NC-17
Summary: From the middle-outward.
Disclaimer: The boys belong to JKR first, the WB second; for non-profit, entertainment purposes only.
Notes: ~1400 words, OotP era. Written specifically for [info]karasu_hime for Christmas because she is so darn good to me all year 'round. Much love to both Karasu and my beta for this story, [info]kellanine. Any fault left is entirely mine. Feedback/comments/concrit/squee warmly welcomed.

Centering )

love, lore

x-posted: _lore, wolf_dog_snake, LJ w_d_s
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