lore's eclectibles

August 2007

lore's eclectibles

A Moment

I watched her read,
back hunched over
the book, legs
folded, a cocoon
for the pages.

I knew she was
at a good part
when her knees rose
toward her ears.

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10:20 pm: [info]lore Fic: Not One or the Other - Starting from Zero... (Snape/Black/[Lupin]) NC17/NWS - 1 something said
10:24 pm: [info]lore FIC: Altered States, (Snape/Lupin, NC-17) - 4 somethings said
10:25 pm: [info]lore FIC: Not One or the Other - Convincing (Snape/Lupin/Black), NC17/NWS - 1 something said
01:16 am: [info]lore Collaboration: Last Appointment (Pius Thicknesse, PG)
01:39 am: [info]lore Collaboration: Diva (Pansy, PG13)
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