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Jan. 7th, 2013


Let me out! (Evan/Niks log, tbc in comments + Simon)

The Historian sat at her desk, her brows furrowing a little. Her dreams had been missing something, but that was bound to happen. One couldn’t always go to the Dreaming, to the Dreamlands, all the time; it wasn’t good for the soul, or maybe she was just trying to rationalize. Then again, the Dreaming had been feeling crowded, or at least the small area she visited.

She reached out for her phone but stopped. Who could she call? Who in the world could she call right now? Evan wouldn’t understand, would he? And, Simon would just give her issues. He did like making her life difficult.

Slipping from her desk in her Tower office, she grabbed her jacket and her cell phone. Her mind worked through reasons. She stepped out into the hallway and came to a stop to look one way then the other. Evan’s office was one way, Simon’s rooms the other.

If this were a story, one of them might simply know she needed them. This wasn’t a story. It was the real world. Or as real as it ever got.

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Meeting the devil (Simon/Evan log)

Simon knew. Of course he knew. There was very very little that went on in this building without him knowing about it. In fact, if it happened within his city, cities he had previously claimed, or to people he had claimed, he knew about it. So of course he knew about the silly little boy that the Tower had put with Niks. He knew the second the boy entered the building, then the second that he'd entered her office. When she finally arrived, he knew that too. Even if he hadn't been upstairs, he'd have known that. He'd placed all the wards. He'd protected her. And he'd put a few extras in to make sure that nobody tampered with something he considered to be his.

He knew that they'd flirted. Oh, how that had raised his ire. Worse yet, she was actually attracted to the buffoon. How could she be? A brute like him? An absolute infant? In comparison to the fairy, ANY fairy, the boy was ridiculous. Simon had no idea how she could possibly entertain any ideas of liking him. Tolerating him as a partner was one thing, they all did what the Tower told them to, to an extent. But this had gone long beyond tolerance. She had flirted with the artifact hunter. To make matters worse, he was American. Not new to America, not with any correct upbringing and then transported to America. He had been born there. His parents had been born there. His grandparents. It was a shame, really.

Perhaps it would have been one thing, had Simon put the American artifact hunter child in place as he had Archer. But he hadn't. His fingers were not in this particular pie. She might think that they were. That could only make things worse. Niks thinking that he had placed the idiot there to play with her, thinking she would play back. What might she do then? He couldn't think of it. It was horrifying.

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Just another day (Simon + Niks log)

It could be said that he was far more attached to the human Niks than he should have been. If there were any other fae folk around, they probably would have mocked him quite openly. But as humans went, she was quite lovely. Not only physically beautiful, but fun to play with as well. Fun to tease. Fun to talk with. Besides, when it really came down to it, Simon didn't give a shit what anybody thought about him.

Oh, he knew that eventually the girl would grow old, and he'd likely grow tired of her. But for now, she was young and beautiful. She could be his until the wrinkles started to show, ruining everything.

Of course, there was a small chance that he could change her. He wasn't sure if she'd accept such a thing, but it was possible. She'd only be a halfling, not even that, really, which would mean she still wouldn't last as long as he would. But it would be better than just twenty or thirty more years, wouldn't it?

He smiled at her over his tea, not giving away his thoughts. How often had they sat in this shop, talking. Having tea.

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