March 24th, 2016

[info]artifacthunter in [info]lost_world

Family. Is. Weird. (Aaron)

Talking with Jack had made Evan feel a bit better, and a bit worse at the same time. He couldn't stop wondering how things might have gone if he'd not met Niks first, or if he'd never met Niks at all. Everything was so up in the air with her, that stupid fairy made all of it overly difficult. He knew how he felt about the librarian, and he knew that he didn't want to die. He also knew how Jack felt about her dancer. Evan didn't like complicated.

Which was another reason he liked Jack.

She was so straightforward with everything. She lacked the drama that most people in the world drew to them. She knew what she wanted, and she did what she could to get it. And then there was that whole thing on how the two of them were almost the same person. Two halves of a whole. Genderflipped.

Exploring with her had really cleared his mind. They'd talked only about things related to various hunts. She had been surprised to learn that he wasn't exactly ignorant on ghosts and monsters and how to kill them. Or maybe her surprise wasn't that total.

They'd eaten and talked more, straying away from the Mopey Twins subjects. God. Why did they have to get along so well?

Then they'd broken off and set out to find others. Evan didn't doubt Kai would be the first on Jack's list. Maybe Niks should have been the first on his. First thing Evan wanted, though, was to explore more on his own. To let his senses take over in this place.

He roamed out to the woods to find a good spot, and sat down.