September 19th, 2014

[info]chovexani_ in [info]lost_world

Not quite nightswimming (Jo)

Destiny's meeting with Peter had been interesting to say the least.

She hadn't been prepared for any of this, but the news of her cousin sleeping not just with an upir, but one that had a connection and a past with their tribe, and in fact WAS part of their tribe... that was a lot.

When Peter left to go back to his undead lady (presumably), Destiny really wanted nothing more than to get utterly wasted with the help of the special herbs and spices that were left for her. But she decided that, instead, it was a better idea to walk around, get her bearings.

Meet the locals.

See what her spidey sense picked up.

She was standing near the empty cabins, the ones near the little lake Phaedra and Peter had found earlier that morning. She could see the fence not that far away and the guards along it, and she shut her eyes to see what she could feel about the place.

[info]marygoround in [info]lost_world

Meeting Idols (Logan and Dean)

Mary wasn't exactly a morning person, but she had enough experience with getting up and doing what needed to be done that it wasn't something she had major issues with. She just didn't usually want to talk to anyone until she'd had her coffee. That was... difficult, considering that not every planet they landed on had coffee as an option. This place had some sort of caffeinated tea type beverage that was going to have to do. What she wouldn't give for a damn Starbucks on the next planet.

At least she wasn't hungover. It had been a few nights since drinking way too much with Logan and she'd managed to stay dry since then. She needed her wits about her in this world especially, and she couldn't keep drowning her sorrows. That didn't mean that she was entirely done drowning her sorrows, but she was starting to sober up and move past the pain of losing Johnny and the ache for the sister that she didn't think she'd ever find again.

This morning, she managed to exchange some of the money she'd found in her cabin for one of those tea type beverages. There was a little shop that sold them-close enough to a cafe that she felt at home taking a seat at one of the tables and simply people watching through the window. Or lizard-people watching. Whatever came by the window.