October 6th, 2013

[info]broken_pony in [info]lost_world

We're going on an adventure Charlie! [Open]

Will had been under the impression that once the encephalitis was treated, the hallucinations and the lost time would stop. But he'd still been undergoing treatment before he was brought here and he couldn't find the medication that he'd been put on after turning the room upside-down.

So he'd lie awake in bed until he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore, and then a disturbing dream would jolt him awake again - each time, back in this same place, as if it was trying too hard to convince him that this was all real - until one day he'd become too exhausted to even dream, and sleep felt like a blissful way to die.

He'd only fallen asleep for about two hours when he got out of bed, put a jacket on and left his room. There was a trail that only the sleepwalker could see and follow, and he didn't seem to be overly keen on responding to anything else in the corridor.