September 21st, 2013

[info]masterofnone in [info]lost_world

Hunters hunt (Kai)

Jack woke with a start.

"Dammit. What the fuck." She hadn't expected to wake up yet again in another place in another set of clothes. Just because it happened often enough, it didn't mean she had to expect it. Or like it. Even if or especially if she was now staring at her own car before her.

"That's not right." For a moment she waited for it to move as if it were humping cushions; she even waited for "God" to speak to her through braces she did not have. "Nope." Nothing came or moved, so she got out of bed and trotted over in nothing more than her underthings. A quick peek in the car and the trunk told her nothing was missing. Everything was where it should be, without being where it should be.

With a shrug, she gathered some clean clothes, hopped into a shower, and got dressed, combing her hair to leave it to airdry. She was more than happy to have her Army Surplus jacket it back. It was something of a comfort when she had the distinct feeling she was forgetting something. It wasn't until she saw some letterhead she'd snaked from the place in Electric City that she realized what was missing.

"Fuck me." The hunter was out the door as soon as she had her shoes on and her jacket pockets and other hiding places filled with the essential for someone in her line of work.

Rather than being daunted by the doors, Jack went hunting. She knocked on door after door, not caring if she interupted something or woke someone up. She got a little frustrated when she got no answer, but quickly moved on.

"No, no one by that name. Is something wrong?" A blond woman answered. Jack didn't have the same dislike for cops as some hunters did, but she just shook her head and let the cop get back to whatever cops did. Even when they weren't exactly cops.

"Nope! Go away!" Catboy yelled at her before she could even ask anything. He didn't stay in one place long enough for Jack to ask more, and the hunter wasn't sure the little dick could answer anything anyway. He didn't seem all there.

"I'm sorry. I don't think I know of anyone by that name." The blond man with curly hair smiled slightly. "Do you know you have interesting eyes? Have you been looking for this woman long?" Four eyes was a little too curious for Jack's liking, so she shook her head and excused herself. She didn't exactly have time for a chat; plus, he was probably in a state of shock - he wasn't familiar.

It took her longer than she thought, to get round one side of the hall and up another. She hadn't gotten far unfortunately, just to the room across from her own, but she wasn't going to give up. Take a break maybe, seeing as her stomach was starting to complain.

"Okay, okay, soon." She talked down to her own body before pounding on the door. "Kai! Kai, are you in there?"

[info]supersanity in [info]lost_world

Aliens... (open)

The island had been better than the black and white world. The island made Eva feel a little more sane. Being on the ship, however, did nothing for her. She was glad to see her own clothes again. Surprised to see the things she'd had before the island, and the island stuff, mixed into all of it.

But she left the room to explore some.

She wanted the hell out of this experiment. She didn't want to be a part anymore. She didn't want to go to new and interesting locations and meet monsters that she'd never even dreamed of. She wanted Gotham. Normalcy. A lab.

It didn't take long until Eva realized that she was going in circles. Circles and circles and doors and doors.

She sat down in the hallway, unsure if this was really happening, again wondering if she'd just become totally unhinged. Not seeing Olivia since the black and white, she was really unsure if the other woman even existed. That did not help.

[info]iskupit in [info]lost_world

Better (open)

The island ended for Piotr with a shock. One that he woke up from in a cold sweat. The feeling of being not in control of himself was almost physically painful. He found himself checking his various parts to make sure that they were still there. It took Piotr a moment to get his bearings, to realize that he wasn't in an island setting at all anymore. There were things around him that were his. The bed wasn't, the dresser wasn't, but his guns were on top of that dresser, his shoes were laying by a chair.

As calmly as he could, he got out of the bed and had a look around. There was something like relief when he found his suitcases in a closet, and nothing else was missing.

He had a shower and dressed in one of his suits. It felt very good to be wearing his own clothes. The finely tailored items he'd picked out himself, paid for himself, and fit him better in both style and comfort than the jeans and shirt of the island had. Though, those clothes were there too, somehow. Piotr distinctly remembered not wearing them.

The hallway outside of his room was circular, and there were doors along the wall all the way around. He saw one that did not fit with the others. Approaching it, it opened, and he discovered an elevator. There were only two buttons, and Piotr poked them both. The top one did not light, which meant that was the floor he was on. The doors closed and took him to his new destination.

It was like a common room, Malden had had one. He saw several different areas, but the one that really caught his eye had food. There was a window, and an alien standing on the other side of it. Piotr couldn't even bring himself to care about that alien, or any of the others that were milling about. All he wanted was food. Real food. Not foraged food, not the pitiful bread, cheese, and soup he'd been barely able to afford. He wanted something that used to moo, and he wanted it almost still mooing. He wanted a giant chocolate shake, and fries. Greasy, delicious fried potato fries.

The alien was more than happy to get these things for him, asking Piotr if he'd prefer steak or a hamburger. Piotr said yes, and when his plate came, he had both. He also ordered a large Coke to go with all of it, and took his tray to one of the tables to sit at. When he was done eating, then he'd consider the alien he'd spoken to, and the fact that he wasn't seeing any of the other people from the group, just a lot of aliens.

When he was finished.