August 29th, 2013

[info]celestialintent in [info]lost_world

Miles from where you are (Anna at a distance)

Talking to Jack had helped, though...not much. He still wasn't sleeping and he'd been fishing to keep himself from doing anything he was likely to regret. Staying away from other people also seemed highly viable. He had no intention of allowing his temper to offend Dean. Or Piotr or Phaedra. He was grateful for their presence on the same island, but it still did little to help that he felt very much as though he were back in whatever reality the cruise linger had created for itself.

It was simply a different pair of islands. The first had left him without cigarettes. That had merely been annoying. And the second...he remembered very little about Atlantis. Only that he'd been forced to sleep there and if there was anything Cas strongly disliked, it was being forced to do anything. He'd had enough of being manipulated and while he regretted taking the lives of the various fish around the island, that sentiment only extended to those that didn't attempt to bite him each time he so much as came near the water. His affinity for all of God's creation aside, he had no qualms killing whatever creatures the extra terrestrials decided to throw at them.

With one of the sharpened pikes he'd made, he continued to stab at each of the fish, gathering as many as he could. He would bring them back later, let whomever needed something to eat take what they wanted. He wasn't particularly hungry. He wished for coffee or alcohol. Or perhaps the six Vicodin he would once have crushed and stirred into said coffee or alcohol, but it was a fleeting thought. With little else to do, his thoughts tended to wander.

But the other island was in sight at least. No signs of life yet. Not that he was aware of. But he had yet to see Lucifer again either, and that was just as well. He doubted he would be as kind as he had been last they met. Sin or not, he felt the sin of killing his own brothers and sisters had already marked him. One more hardly mattered in that moment.

And seven fish. Which would soon be eight. Shoving his pike into the water, he speared the angry little fish easily and pulled it out of the water, sighing. "You have my apologies," he replied heavily.