June 15th, 2013

[info]fieldingcases in [info]lost_world

Happy dream time? (Mikey)

Things had gone sideways quickly when the alien showed, and it didn't matter that sideways had yet to involve violence. Violence with this lot seemed always like an inevitable. There were some talkers, some thinkers, but violence was there. Max knew it to be true even of himself. So, when he came to in what felt like one his own dreams, he had to sit and breathe for a moment.

"So this is how it goes? Aliens show up, and I faint?" That was how he started dreaming surely. He looked around, noticing the faces. "And, everyone came along for the ride, good to know." He knew he was talking to himself, but in a dream, such things didn't matter. At least he was dressed this time; he glanced down to check, letting out a soft whistle. What he wore was nice, and he smiled that he had at least dreamt of himself in his good trench. He glanced to the side, and there was the fedora. His hand slipped into the coat, and his smile grew grim - he even wore the holster with the gun. His fingers brushed over a suit that was so familiar; he nearly wept at having missed its comfort.

"Could be worse. No bats or bunnies. No talking frogs or dancing llamas." He didn't seem to mind the black and white, or more the shades of grey. It wasn't new to him; he did like color, but there was something freeing in the lack of color. He could fill in the spots if he wanted to with whatever combination, and no one could say he was fashionably challenged - even if he knew what some of the colors were.

"Now all I need is a damsel in distress, a case, and a sidekick." He didn't think he'd have that long of a dream, and he did notice that Eleni was around. "Or a Gal Friday would be better?" He saw a few other women. "Femme fatales galore."

[info]jo_beth in [info]lost_world

I'll be seeing you (Rob)

Cas and Anna and even Mary had moved on to finding places to stay for the night. Jo still wasn't sure how to feel about Mary and Johnny, though she was starting to accept it. Despite Mary's reassurances to the contrary, something was there. While Jo didn't want to see either of them brokenhearted when they did find a way to right things, she also didn't know how long they would all be stuck like this. Never aging, moving from planet to planet. At the mercy of some sadistic aliens who thought they were a science experiment of some sort. If they were stuck for awhile, Jo supposed that Mary deserved someone who might bring her comfort and maybe even some happiness in all of this.

That didn't mean that she wasn't worried. Her expression was set in a grim line after her future daughter rode off into the sunset with the cowboy. The fact that Dean hadn't even bothered to look her way and seemed too busy drooling over some brunette didn't exactly help her mood.

She wasn't sure what was going to happen for the night, but she didn't want to go anywhere with Dean until they'd cleared the air about the lies that had been told regarding Sympathy. In fact, she wasn't sure where that left them at all.

Jo moved among the people still in the diner and spotted a guy who didn't seem to be grouped up with anyone. There was a moment where she couldn't help but notice that he was cute. Hey, two could play the ogling game, right? Jo moved over to the guy and gave him a small smile. She hadn't seen him before the meeting, so she wondered if he'd been in Electric City too.

The strains of 'I'll be seeing you' started playing on the jukebox in the diner. There had been various songs from the decade that they'd landed in playing the entire time they'd been there. It only served as a reminder that they were not anywhere near 2012 or home.

"Nothing like the golden era, huh?"

[info]firstloved in [info]lost_world

Scouting (Mary)

He was more than satisfied with the area that he'd been placed in. Every city this size had a seedy underbelly, ripe with sin and corruption. People hiding shameful secrets. Delicious things that he enjoyed so very much.

Lucifer was not opposed to flexing his power when he needed anything, either. So while he'd not turned up on this world with anything to call his own save for the clothing on his back, it didn't take him but a couple of hours to secure a place to stay, a nice car to drive, and a wardrobe befitting a prince. Not to mention a fine box of cigars that would have an embargo on them in a few years.

The Morningstar cruised in the black 1930's Bentley 8-Litre Gurney Nutting Sportsman Coupe that he'd acquired from a showroom, taking a snails pace and enjoying the sights and sounds of the life around him. There was freedom, and then there was freedom.

As he passed from one street to the next, Lucifer felt like he was being pulled toward a particular place. When he saw the sign for The Duchess, he felt like he'd arrived. Parking was easy enough. He just charmed another guy out of the spot he'd been about to take.

It was with an otherworldly grace that he entered the establishment with. He glanced around a moment, before finding a table and sitting himself down. It wasn't, as some might have expected of him, in the shadows or in the back. He picked a spot where he would be seen. Then he waited for service.