February 8th, 2013

[info]metamorphose in [info]lost_world

Of mothers and things (Mary)

Future girls holding complex feelings currently stuck in the present, not dying nor aging even a tiny bit, fairies, aliens, seven and a half bottles of strong liquor to get drunk, overprotective mothers who weren't yet mothers. Johnny was pretty full up with shit he didn't want to deal with. Unfortunately, not one part of it could be pushed aside. People he cared about were wrapped up in all of it. Friends. Johnny hadn't had friends in a very long time. He felt defensive of them all. Fiercely protective. He dreaded what would happen to them if he let his vigil lapse, if he tried to push all the issues aside for even a little while.

He had to take it one problem at a time, though, and he was going to go for the absolute easiest first. Which meant talking to Mary about Jo. Not just the most recent conversation with his hunter friend, but also about what they were going to do regarding certain knowledge. It was becoming increasingly difficult to hide that he knew Jo was Mary's mother. The other parts - like the bit on how he never died or grew old - that was still very easy to conceal. Johnny was pretty sure that there was nothing in existence that could convince him that letting those tidbits out was a good idea, nor would it ever become a difficultly for him to hide. But he thought that right now, even Jo was harboring frustration when it came to Mary's parentage. He felt like he and Mary needed a plan of action on that end. They needed to construct a story.

Not to mention the fact of a certain note that had been slipped under his door, and Mary's attempted avoidance on the topic of the Drunk Night. She seemed to think that they - or she - had done something wrong, and he wanted to put her straight on that.

Johnny carefully waited until he was absolutely sure that Jo and Dean and anybody else who might see were gone and headed to Mary's door. He felt that the daylight hours were safe from prying eyes, as everybody was attempting to discover what was going on around them, and had been, and would be, gone for hours.

When she answered, he was leaning against the door jam and grinning.

"Your mom says we can't fall in love. And I don't think I'm allowed to play at your house anymore."