January 30th, 2013

[info]knowingmore in [info]lost_world

A little post-presentation celebration, or would you like inebriation? (Evan)

The presentation had gone well enough. Evan had even shown on time and had all the proper paperwork. He answered questions after going into some depth about the porcine charm; Niks was polite enough to avoid pointing out a slight flub by one of their co-workers. Thankfully, Evan caught it, and he didn't rip the guy to pieces with knowledge. Niks would do it later because the guy should have known better; their jobs were life or death, and said co-worker was edging closer to the death side of the 'or.' Even if the main topic of discussion did seem very strange; the item in the wrong hands could actually cause a good bit of damage.

She had clapped with the rest and slipped out as soon as it was over. She didn't want to bother him right after; instead, she went down to his office to see if he was okay. While he seemed fine - she'd heard he was pretty good at poker - she had a sneaking suspicion something was off. It could have simply been presentation jitters.

Niks knocked on his office door, hoping she wasn't interrupting anything.

"Evan, have coffee for you." They had to take care of something later, but she wasn't going to mention it. Not yet. Evan didn't seem the type to need reminding, not if he agreed to it. She'd see if that were the case. "Or, it's five o'clock somewhere as they say."