January 10th, 2013

[info]jo_beth in [info]lost_world

Confusion (open to those in York)

Jo was getting really sick of waking up with the sense that something wasn't right. That was twice now that she'd had her mind hijacked and woken up days or weeks later. Dean and Mary had done something to make sure that it wouldn't happen again, so she didn't know why she felt out of sorts upon waking. She especially didn't know why since she'd woken up in the motel room that she'd been sharing with Dean for the last few months.

Her hand reached up to touch the amulet that she wore at all times now. She still hadn't gotten over the fact that her daughter from the future had been integral in saving her, or that her other future daughter was missing. That was a lot to deal with, and Jo was just as desperate as Dean and Mary to find a way to get Ellen back.

The sunlight filtering through the room window really threw her off. She didn't think she'd taken a nap in the middle of the day, though she supposed that explained why Dean wasn't here. Then again, it felt like they were ships passing in the night, even if they were sharing a motel room. Things had been weird. Not that she could blame him, considering everything that had come their way.

Jo jotted a quick note, just because she didn't want him to have to wonder if she disappeared without saying a word. Then she dressed and stepped out into the later afternoon sunlight. She was itching to get back to pounding the pavement and searching for answers. They had to be out there. People didn't just vanish... did they? She started walking in the direction of the town, still wishing that she'd had the chance to get herself a vehicle. She was really sick of hoofing it everywhere or having to depend on her boyfriend for a ride.