Fri, Jul. 15th, 2011, 07:53 pm
[info]finnigan2: Hello? Is it me you're looking for?

Hello my ladies! as you can see, I am back. Actually, I came back wednesday evening and never left for my sister's but I took a few days off haha.

Anyway, anyone wants any of my kids? Please?

Sat, Jul. 9th, 2011, 07:47 pm

Okay girls, here's the deal.. Hubby surprised me by offering me a surprise-vacation and we are leaving tonight. Unfortunately there is no internet (booh) and cells don't even get there, haha. I should be around wednesday but I'm not promising anything. I will be home for sure on saturday :) Love you all, wish you all a nice week.


PS, those who owe me tags.. please tag me?

Thu, Jun. 30th, 2011, 10:29 am
[info]finnigan2: Mwahahaha

Just a little note!!

Justin is working all summer at Bones' Delicacies (Susan's Bakery).

Riley got the job at Foretescue's all summer too and might even keep working there on weekends once University starts again. He actually likes his job and cannot extend his employee discount for anyone (except Brigid, because he found a way)

Rose got the job at Flourish and Blott's (that's why Riley didn't get it *snorts*) she works from Monday to Thursday.

James doesn't have a summer job yet but he's probably going to start in August as some Ministry intern doing some obscure job with paperwork involved..

So!! If anyone should want them in their natural habitat (their jobs) feel free!!

Sun, Jun. 12th, 2011, 04:36 pm


I am so available to play, you have no idea. I am home all evening tonight and possibly every other night of the week :)

Love you all..


PS- Please tag me? *pouts*

Thu, May. 19th, 2011, 08:16 pm
[info]keeper_potter: Looking for playdates

Anybody wants my kids?




Wed, May. 4th, 2011, 11:00 pm

Hello everyone!! I am Anick and I would like to introduce you to my own kids :) You can find me on AIM and Y!M- mllelariviere (for both) and MSN- which is also my email address :)

Personal Info

Name: James Sirius Potter
Nicknames: Just James. Don’t call him Jimmy, he takes great pride in being named after his grand-father.
Birthday: October 31st 2006 (same day as his Granny Weasley)
Blood Status: Considered HalfBlood considering his grandmother Lily was a Muggle.
Hair: Light brown
Eyes: Intense Blue-green as most girls would call it.
Height: 6’
Weight: Average for his built.
Distinguishing Characteristics: He has a scar on his right shoulderblade. Quidditch accident.
Most Endearing/Annoying Qualities: James is passionate. It can go either way.
The rest!!! )