Monday, December 19th, 2011

Longbottom Weekly: December 19, 2011

FIC (201 words and longer)

Anonymous wrote The Importance of Being Luna for [info]hp_holidaygen. After being friends with her for years, Luna always finds new ways to surprise Draco and Neville. Even when they are thousands of miles apart. (Neville/Draco, Luna, PG-13)
Anonymous wrote Muggle-lovers are Revolting for [info]interhouse_fest. Hogwarts is a very different place in seventh year, and some unexpected alliances are made. (Neville/Draco, PG)
Anonymous wrote Light in the Walls for [info]interhouse_fest. The quietest of sufferings leave the deepest scars. (Neville/Blaise, PG-13)
[info]shutupeccles wrote Quest. Life in and around Hogwarts is in turmoil as the Dark Lord exerts his authority. Rebels hide in unlikely places and the traditional scavenger hunt for Seventh Years wields unlikely prizes. (Neville/Draco, R)


[info]pathology_doc began The Wooing of Hannah and Neville with Chapter One. The wooing of Neville and Hannah. (Neville/Hannah, PG)


[info]gin_tonic wrote Bumbling Romantic. (Neville/Draco, PG)
[info]alisanne wrote Sweet Treat. (Neville/Draco, R)


Anonymous drew Warm and Sweet for [info]mini_fest. (Neville/Ginny, G)
Anonymous drew Sweet Vengeance for [info]daily_deviant’s Kinky Kristmas. (Neville/Snape, NWS, NC-17)


[info]neville100 issued Prompt 204: Sugarplum.

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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Monday, November 14th, 2011

Longbottom Weekly: November 14, 2011

FIC (201 words and longer)

Anonymous wrote A War of Words for [info]interhouse_fest. The members of Dumbledore’s Army spent two weeks hiding in the Room of Requirement before Harry arrived. These are their stories, as told by their own notes and letters. (Neville/Hannah, other pairings, PG-13)
Anonymous wrote Anger Management in Green and Black Underwear for [info]interhouse_fest. Ginny and Luna think Neville’s been taking things too far talking back to the Carrows and getting punished. So they decide to teach him a lesson -- by tying him naked to a chair and making him watch. (Neville/Ginny/Luna, Ginny/Luna, NC-17)
Anonymous wrote One Gold Galleon for [info]hp_sexstars. Reduced to prostitution, one particular client makes Severus feel things he thought he was incapable of. (Neville/Snape, Snape/Various, NC-17)
[info]withered_bones wrote Must Be the Wrackspurts. Right after the battle, Luna and Neville have a moment together. Luna must have a bad case of wrackspurts. (Neville/Luna, PG)
[info]k_magique wrote Took the Chance to Discover You. This is the first time it’s pre-meditated. On Tuesday, after they’d—afterwards, Neville had said, without thinking about it, without really even meaning to, “I want to see you again,” and Blaise had smiled charmingly and said, “I’ll figure something out.” (Neville/Blaise, NC-17)

DRABBLES (200 words and shorter)

[info]alisanne wrote Sainted Souls. (Neville, G)


[info]scarsgirl began Rise of the Wolf with Chapter One and Chapter Two. By the light of a full moon Draco discovers Neville Longbottom’s secret. (Neville/Draco, R)


[info]neville100 issued Prompt 199: Preparation.

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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Monday, November 7th, 2011

Longbottom Weekly: November 7, 2011

FIC (201 words and longer)

Anonymous wrote Better Late Than Never for [info]dudley_redeemed. The strangest things can prompt a long overdue apology letter... (Neville/Dudley, Draco/Dudley, Draco/George (implied), PG-13)
Anonymous wrote Bad For Business for [info]hp_sexstars. What’s the wizarding version of a sex tape? Neville and Draco are about to find out when theirs is the first to reach the public, just in time for the holidays. (Neville/Draco, Draco/Others, NC-17)
Anonymous wrote Five Minutes’ Time for [info]interhouse_fest. Waiting for the Hogwarts Express to carry them off to their 8th year at Hogwarts, Neville and his friends spy Draco Malfoy standing on the platform. (Neville, Draco, G)
[info]alisanne wrote A Halloween Treat. Neville enjoys a Halloween treat. (Neville/Blaise, PG)
[info]x_lostinthesun wrote Don’t Leave Me. This is their battle against love and despair. (Neville/Hannah, R)


[info]rossellaohara drew Catch the Golden Snitch. (Neville/Blaise, G)


[info]neville100 issued Prompt 198: All Saints/Souls.
[info]scarsgirl created Neville/Draco icons.
[info]fangirls_icons created 20 Neville/Luna icons.
[info]reiere created a Neville/Luna fanmix.

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
(Leave a comment)

Monday, October 31st, 2011

Longbottom Weekly: October 31, 2011

FIC (201 words and longer)

[info]alisanne wrote Pretty Fair. Life may not be fair, but it often works out nonetheless. (Neville/Ginny, PG)
[info]sexy_yuri88 wrote Shuffle. Neville smiled into the kiss, pulling Draco hard against his chest. (Neville/Draco, R)
[info]lokifan wrote Greenfingers. Draco knows it’s a cliche, but sometimes he loves his sweaty gardener of a boyfriend and those green fingers. (Neville/Draco, NC-17)
[info]purplefluffycat wrote The Greater Snarled Fitterbloom. Professor Longbottom invites his Herbology ex-Professor back to Hogwarts. (Neville/Pomona, NC-17)
[info]scarsgirl wrote Wizard Wars: A New Hope. Wizards in Space. A Harry Potter/Star Wars fusion. (Neville/Draco, R)
[info]k_magique wrote Remedial Denial and Matchmaking for Beginners. One of the rare instances in Theodore Nott’s life where he uses words for good instead of rampant douchebaggery. (Neville/Blaise, background Neville/Hannah, R)
[info]dkaneanite wrote Harem. There was one pureblood that had eluded him and it was a growing annoyance each and every time his offer was rejected. (Neville/Draco, NC-17)


[info]glayish continued Seven Years Bad Luck with Chapter Eleven. If you look into the broken pieces and cannot find your reflection, the magic of seven years bad luck will take effect. In the spring of '91, Neville Longbottom broke a mirror. And in their 8th year, Pansy Parkinson broke one too. (Neville/Pansy, PG-13)


[info]katelinmr wrote My destiny. (Neville, G)


[info]neville100 issued Prompt 197: Trick or Treat.

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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Monday, October 24th, 2011

Longbottom Weekly: October 24, 2011

FIC (201 words and longer)

Anonymous wrote We’ll Be OK for [info]hermione_smut. The Dreaded Marriage Law. Post-Hogwarts. They are established in their careers. They haven't seen each other in a few years. Neville's still a bit bumbly and Hermone's still a bit impatient with that. However will they cope? (Neville/Hermione, NC-17)
Anonymous wrote Loving Possession for [info]hermione_smut. Neville is tired of Hermione always working late so he reminds her of what's important. (Neville/Hermione, warnings, NC-17)
[info]alisanne wrote Excellent Ideas. Kingsley had always intimidated Neville, not just because he was handsome and accomplished, but because just about everyone idolised him. (Neville/Kingsley, PG)
[info]leela_cat wrote Moonclaw Glitter and Gum Wrappers. Neville needs to tell his parents that the war is over. (Neville, G)
[info]k_magique wrote If I Had Have Listened. “It’s bad manners to be thinking of anyone but me right now,” he mutters, and laves his tongue against Neville’s lips. (Neville/Blaise, background Neville/Hannah, NC-17)


[info]glayish continued Seven Years Bad Luck with Chapter Ten. If you look into the broken pieces and cannot find your reflection, the magic of seven years bad luck will take effect. In the spring of '91, Neville Longbottom broke a mirror. And in their 8th year, Pansy Parkinson broke one too. (Neville/Pansy, PG-13)


[info]neville100 issued Prompt 196: Fair.
[info]hp_emofest has opened prompt claiming.

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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Monday, May 30th, 2011

Longbottom Weekly: May 30, 2011

Editor's Note: My apologies for the wait between issues. I've had internet drama nearly all month, but hopefully it's all been resolved!

Fic (201 words and longer)

Anonymous wrote Through a Glass Avidly for [info]hp_wankfest. Neville Longbottom at the Hog’s Head Inn with a Wizarding Portrait. (Neville, Ariana, R/NC-17)
Anonymous wrote Let Us Escape Our Troubles for [info]hp_beholder. How terribly strange to be seventy... (Augusta/Minerva, NC-17)
Anonymous wrote Two Aurors, Eight Moments for springtime_gen. Eight moments in a working day. (Frank, Alice, PG)
lyras wrote The Unforgiven. He could love her if she'd only let him. (Neville/Pansy, Neville/Hannah, NC-17)
[info]rebecca_selene wrote Obstacles. Blaise is too proud to admit he needs help, but not too proud to take it. (Neville/Blaise, G)
[info]katekintail wrote Dynamics. Remus was through with spontaneous lovers; that sort of relationship never worked out for Remus and always caused more harm than good. (Neville/Remus, NC-17)
[info]narcissus_snake wrote Cause and Effect. Kindness can bring its own rewards. (Neville/Hannah, Neville/Draco, PG-13)
deirdre_aithne wrote Sunset Return. They welcome him home as though he never left...As though the past month had never happened and he'd been with them all along. (Neville/Harry/Luna, PG)

Drabbles (200 words and shorter)

[info]alisanne wrote four drabbles:
Lost in Translation. (Neville/Harry, PG)
Soiled. (Neville/Bill, PG)
Around the World. (Neville/Luna, PG-13)
Adjustment. (Neville, Augusta, G)
[info]angela_snape wrote Time for a Kiss. (Neville/Harry, PG)
[info]celandineb wrote Heroism Question. (Neville, G)
nightmarenoah wrote Falling Is Half the Fun. (Neville, G)


Anonymous drew The War Is Over for femmefest. (Alice/Lily, PG)

Various and Sundry

[info]xnevillelovingx has a question for the community.
[info]neville100 issued Prompt 175: Positive Thinking.
Neville Longbottom in fourth Deathly Hallows Part II poster!

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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Monday, April 25th, 2011

Longbottom Weekly: April 25, 2011

Fic (201 words and longer)

scarlettlilly wrote Emancipated. In the midst of celebrating life after Voldemort, Neville learns about freedom. (Neville/Blaise, R)

Drabbles (200 words and shorter)

[info]alisanne wrote One and Only. (Neville/Hannah, G)
[info]angela_snape wrote Going Public. (Neville/Harry, PG)


vividescent drew A Magical Moment. (Neville/Draco, PG)

Various and Sundry

[info]neville100 issued Prompt 170: Three Broomsticks.

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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Monday, December 21st, 2009

Longbottom Weekly: December 21, 2009

Fic (201 words and over)

Anonymous wrote Shiva, the Destroyer for [info]hp_yule_balls. Amongst the temples of India, Neville unwillingly meets the many aspects of Shiva. (Neville/Harry, NC-17)
Anonymous wrote Change of Venue for [info]3fanholidays. Neville finds change is a good thing. (Neville/Bill, PG)
Anonymous wrote An Unexpected Gesture for [info]3fanholidays. One year, Headmaster Neville Longbottom receives an unexpected gift after the Yule Ball. (Neville, portrait!Snape, PG)
Anonymous wrote A Piercing Christmas Eve for [info]daily_deviant’s Kinky Kristmas. Harry's made a mess and must be punished appropriately. (Neville/Harry, various warnings, NC-17)
Anonymous wrote Poinsettias and Leather for [info]daily_deviant’s Kinky Kristmas. Lavender saves her best Christmas present to Neville for last. (Neville/Lavender, NC-17)
[info]vegablack62 wrote Meet the Aunts. On Christmas Eve Augusta invited Hannah over to meet Neville's aunts. Sometimes an invitation is also a test. (Neville/Hannah, Augusta, G)
[info]sweetmelodykiss wrote Hell Kitten. "I didn't know Christmas gifts wiggled." (Neville/Snape, PG-13)
[info]syven wrote Lost and Found. Bright blue eyes met her stare and the towel went fluttering to the ground, forgotten. (Neville/Ginny, R)
[info]celandineb wrote Party Preparations. Some things are more important than appearances. (Neville/Percy, R)
[info]lar_laughs wrote In Secret. This wasn't a room on any of the usual Hogwarts tours. (Alice/Sirius, PG)
[info]angela_snape wrote Methods of Thermoregulation. The wind whistled outside the glass walls of greenhouse four. (Neville/Bill, R)

Drabbles (200 words or less)

[info]author_by_night wrote two drabbles:
Recovery. (Neville, Hannah, G)
The Walk. (Neville, Frank, Alice, G)
[info]alisanne wrote Snowbound. (Neville/Bill, PG)
[info]leela_cat wrote Hybrid. (Neville, G)
[info]celandineb and [info]alisanne co-wrote two drabbles:
Sword of Gryffindor. (Neville/Blaise, PG)
Double Date. (Neville/Ginny, George/Hermione, PG)


Anonymous drew Lights Out for [info]hp_art_xchange. (Neville/Blaise, PG-13)
Anonymous drew Waiting for Santa Claus for [info]hp_art_xchange. (Neville/Luna, G)
[info]pinkelephant42 drew two pieces:
Not Entirely Unexpected. (Neville/Draco, G)
At First Sight. (Neville/Hannah, G)

Various and Sundry

hermioneville is a new LJ community for those who love Neville and Hermione or the Neville/Hermione pairing.
[info]neville100 has issued Prompt #100: Century.

Do you have or know of fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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Monday, November 16th, 2009

Longbottom Weekly: November 16, 2009

Fic (201 words and over)

Anonymous wrote A Tale of Seasons for [info]hp_darkfest. Her master’s victory is nothing like Bellatrix hoped for. She lost everything, and even the Dark Lord has no more use for her. The only thing that is left to her is one prisoner. (Neville, Bellatrix, R)
[info]tealeaf523 wrote To Be Noticed. So, all right, maybe Neville was a bit… oblivious to his newfound status as ‘shagworthy’, but he was focused on other things. Like the fact that Harry Potter had become quite the looker since… well, since always, but that wasn’t the point. The thing was: he noticed. And noticing was not something Neville was quite used to, yet. (Neville/Harry, R)
[info]magnetic_pole wrote Like Water on the Moon. Amelia is sitting just to her right, casting her sly looks, and Alice is counting the minutes until class is over, distracted despite her better judgment. (Alice/Amelia Bones, PG)

Drabbles (200 words or less)

[info]alisanne wrote A Warm Welcome. (Neville/Blaise, R)


[info]zephre drew Entangled. (Neville/Harry, NWS, NC-17)
[info]ani_bester drew Little. (Neville, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Luna, and Trevor, G)

Various and Sundry

[info]nella_malfoy has created some Matt/Bonnie icons and a banner.
[info]neville100 posted a new prompt: Hot Chocolate/Cocoa.

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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Monday, August 31st, 2009

Longbottom Weekly: August 31, 2009

Fic (201 words and over)

[info]gala_apples wrote Hiding (only works when you can’t be found). Dean decides he's going to run away. No one else approves. (Neville/Dean, NC-17)
[info]madeleone wrote Second Chances. It's been nearly a decade since the end of the war. Everyone has moved on with their lives. But why has Hermione lost all contact with the other two thirds of the trio? And is there a chance she might find happiness at last with someone from her past? (Neville/Hermione, NC-17)


[info]chocoluvr continued A New Lease on Life with Chapter Three. On Neville Longbottom's eighteenth birthday he gets a birthday surprise that he never expected that he would receive. Though he does find out that having his greatest wish granted would be harder than what he expected. (Neville, Augusta, Frank/Alice, PG-13)
[info]thanfiction continued A Peccatis with Chapter Twenty-Four. How much can we allow the sins of the past to shape the future? (Neville/Hannah, other pairings, R)
[info]imamaryanne continued Neville Rebuilt with Chapter Three. Depressed after the war, Neville finds comfort in an unusual place. (Neville/George, PG this chapter)

Drabbles (200 words or less)

[info]sweetmelodykiss wrote To Slay the Snake. (Neville/Draco, R)
[info]alisanne wrote No More Restraint. (Neville/Blaise, PG)


[info]tomscribble drew I knew it. (Neville, Ariana Dumbledore, G)

Do you have fic or artwork to share on Livejournal or Insanejournal? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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Monday, July 13th, 2009

Longbottom Weekly: July 13, 2009

Fic (201 words and more)

Anonymous wrote The Hero’s Heart for [info]weasley_fest. Sometimes, being the hero isn't all it's cracked up to be. Especially when you're the wrong hero. (Neville/Ginny, NC-17)
[info]darth_gojira wrote Neville Gets an O. Neville Longbottom was confused. Very, very confused. (Neville/Hermione, NC-17)
[info]cassie_black12 wrote From the Shadows. Like a moth to a flame, Neville finds himself drawn back for more. (Neville, Albus Severus/Scorpius, voyeurism, NC-17)
[info]asnowyowl wrote Boy Trouble. Neville begins looking for a best friend, after all, everyone else has one. (Neville/Blaise, NC-17)
[info]ozma_katiebell wrote Birthright. A week after the Battle of Hogwarts, Neville visits his parents to share the news. (Neville, PG)
[info]lyras wrote two ficlets:
From Little Things. When Professor Moody takes an interest in him, Neville seeks to escape in the greenhouses. (Neville, Sprout, G)
Up Muggle Creek Without a Wand. The night before the Easter holidays, Neville seizes a chance to declare himself. (Neville/Ginny, PG)
[info]torino10154 wrote Down to Earth. Draco returns to Hogwarts and Neville teaches him a thing or two about leaving the past behind. (Neville/Draco, NC-17)
[info]angela_snape wrote two ficlets:
After the Theatre. Neville and Bill enjoy themselves after a night at the theatre. (Neville/Bill, NC-17)
Breakfast in Bed. Neville and Bill enjoy breakfast in bed. (Neville/Bill, NC-17)
[info]tania_sings wrote The New Hot. Nerds are sexy. (Neville/Hermione, Ron/Lee, others, PG)
[info]ceirdwenfc wrote Firewhisky. Firewhisky makes Neville Longbottom warm and tingly. (Neville/Hannah, PG-13)
[info]royalty25 wrote First Times. Hannah volunteers to distract Amycus Carrow. (Neville/Hannah, PG-13)

Drabbles (200 words or less)

[info]angela_snape wrote three drabbles:
Methods of Relaxation. (Neville/Bill, R)
An Evening at the Theatre. (Neville/Bill, G)
Reading Materials. (Neville/Bill, G)
[info]torino10154 wrote Bloodsucker. (Neville/Harry, PG)
[info]lordhellebore wrote Understanding. (Neville/Hannah, G)
[info]unbroken_halo wrote Various Neville/Bill Drabbles. (Neville/Bill, G-R)
[info]alisanne wrote Dessert Expertise. (Neville/Bill, PG)


[info]rossellaohara drew Following Trevor. (Neville/Blaise, G)
[info]autumn_veela drew In a Pinch. (Neville/Charlie, NWS, NC-17)

Various and Sundry

Signups for [info]ginnybigbang begin July 15.

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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Monday, November 24th, 2008

Longbottom Weekly: November 24, 2008

Fic (201 words and over)

[info]softly_sweetly wrote Budget Meeting. Kingsley has a mischievous streak. (Neville/Kingsley, crossdressing, R)
[info]monoceros_writ wrote Cherry on top. It was autumn, it was cold, and Neville was just leaving Greenhouse 7. (Neville/Ron, vampirism, other warnings, R)
[info]k_magique wrote Satiate This Addiction. Theodore becomes embroiled in one of Blaise’s latest plans. Mostly, he just wishes he’d been told about it first. (Neville/Blaise, references to Neville/Hannah, R for language)


[info]thanfiction continued Sluagh with Chapter Sixty-Five, Chapter Sixty-Six, Chapter Sixty-Seven, Chapter Sixty-Eight, Chapter Sixty-Nine, Chapter Seventy, Chapter Seventy-One, Chapter Seventy-Two, and Chapter Seventy-Three. Five years after the battle, Neville is at last an Auror like his father, but now he must hunt down one of his own dearest friends for crimes he cannot truly condemn. (Neville/Hannah, Neville/Seamus, Seamus/Dean, NC-17)

Drabbles (200 words or less)

[info]alisanne wrote two drabbles:
Touched. (Neville/Bill, PG)
The Ties That Bind. (Neville/Bill, R)


[info]thanfiction drew Pub Trick. (Neville/Hannah, PG)
[info]rossellaohara drew three artworks:
Candy. (Neville/Blaise, G)
Autumn. (Neville/Blaise, G)
Fly with Me. (Neville/Blaise, G)
[info]camillo1978 drew Go On, Take Off Your Shirt. (Neville, Sprout, PG)
[info]melmoe1 drew Hypnotizing Chickens. (Ron, Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Neville, R for implied drug use, Trainspotting crossover)

Various and Sundry

[info]darth_gojira wrote an essay telling why he ships Neville/Hermione.
[info]xnevillelovingx posted their Question of the Week: Who do you ship Neville with and why?

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
(Leave a comment)

Sunday, November 18th, 2007

Longbottom Weekly: November 18, 2007


[info]suntzu_s wrote Once a Week. Neville knows it’s wrong but he wants it just the same. (Neville/Draco, NC-17)

[info]kaellite wrote two fics:
Closer. The house was big enough so it wasn’t a problem. (Neville/Blaise, PG-13)
Orders. "You can tell me, or I can just leave you here for the rest of the ride." (Neville/Bill, R)

[info]nefernat wrote Bath Time with Teddy. Neville and Harry give Teddy a bath. (Neville/Harry, G)


[info]irana and [info]unbroken_halo continued Taming the Wolf with Chapter Six. After the war, everyone is doing their best to move on with their lives. Harry and Neville come together, then discover that life with Bill would be so much more interesting. Now they just have to get him to agree to join them. (Neville/Harry, Neville/Harry/Bill, NC-17)


[info]leochi drew The Five Gryffindor Boys. (Neville, Harry, Ron, Seamus, Dean, G)

[info]oldenuf2nb drew Neville. (G)

Do you have a fic or artwork to share on Livejournal or Insanejournal? Comment here or email
(1 comment | Leave a comment)

Sunday, August 5th, 2007

Longbottom Weekly: August 5, 2007


Original poster: coffee_n_cocoa


Possible fic spoilers for DH under the cut )


Possible art spoilers for DH under the cut )

Various and Sundry

[info]love_lingers has opened their latest mid-month challenge.

Do you have or know of fic or art to include in the next issue? Comment here or email

(Leave a comment)

Sunday, October 29th, 2006

Longbottom Weekly: October 29, 2006


Original poster: coffee_n_cocoa


[info]lionille wrote Final Sale. Mr. Ollivander waits for a special customer before closing up the shop. (Mr. Ollivander, Neville, G)

[info]turtle_goose wrote Little Shop of Horrors. Neville is badly injured saving Ginny's life. Ginny feels guilty and oversees his return to health. (Neville/Ginny, NC-17)

[info]lionille wrote Swayed, Ten Points, The Midnight Ride of Parvati Patil, Victorious, The Nest, Of Trees and Houses, and They’ll Have Buttons in Paris for [info]100quills. (Neville/Parvati, all ficlets G)

[info]alisanne wrote two fics:
Stargazing. Neville has to get away for a bit. (Neville/Bill, PG)
Domestic Prowess. Pumpkin is an aphrodisiac. (Neville/Blaise, PG)

[info]pinkelephant42 wrote Plants and Potions. After the war, Neville and Draco find they can help each other. (Neville/Draco, PG)


[info]wildestranger began Unnoticed and Unnecessary with Part One. “Here’s the list. Make sure you check that everything is correct yourself; Longbottom may be good with plants but his memory has always been abysmal.” (Neville/Draco, R)


[info]gredandfeorge drew Gryffindors. (Neville, Ron, Harry, G)

[info]pennswoods drew Before They Kissed; Chopstick Lessons for Trevor; and Trick-or-Treat!. (Neville/Ginny, Neville and Trevor, Neville and Luna, G for all)

[info]h_johanna drew First Year Neville (and Trevor). (Neville, Trevor, G)

[info]sh4rds drew Charlie/Neville/Bill. (PG-13)


[info]bryonyraven asks what does your Neville look like to you?

Do you have a fic or artwork on LJ that's been overlooked and that you'd like to share? Comment here or send an email to!

(Leave a comment)

Sunday, September 24th, 2006

Longbottom Weekly: September 24, 2006


Original poster: coffee_n_cocoa


[info]j_lunatic wrote Mirror Images. Ron and Neville prefer to couple not in bed, but in front of the mirror in their bedroom. And not for reasons of narcissism, or at least not as that term is commonly understood. (Neville/Ron, PG-13)

[info]quietliban wrote two fics:
The Shed Near the Vegetable Patch. Pansy tries to hide by the shed near the vegetable patch. Neville finds her by accident. (Neville/Pansy, PG)
The Legend of Felix. A liar believes that all others also lie. Harry confronts Neville about Pansy, while Luna talks to her imaginary friend Felix. (Neville/Pansy, Harry/Hermione, Hermione/Ron, PG-13)

[info]lionille wrote Room Over SubAlley 87, Bolt, To Forgive Divine, and The First of September for [info]100quills. (Neville/Parvati, G for all ficlets)

[info]lionille wrote An Embarrassment of Riches. Neville and Harry are beginning to feel the strain of what Harry has to face. They just want to save them all. (Neville, Harry, PG)

[info]eeyore9990 wrote Untitled. "I. Want. You. Three words, English, I'm sure you understand their meaning. (Neville/Blaise, NC-17)

[info]creaper wrote On How Neville Found His Groove and Has Never Lost It Since. Neville dances. (Neville/Katie, PG)

[info]callie_girl wrote Fine. Moody had been sent to deal with Longbottom after news of his relationship with Alice Pendleton got out. (Alastor Moody, Frank/Alice, PG)

[info]alisanne wrote The Circle of Life. Sometimes, it's the ordinary things that are the most important. (Neville/Harry, PG)

[info]beckaandzac wrote Neville Makes a Friend. An alternate origin story for Trevor the Toad. Neville saves a life and is rewarded. (Neville, Trevor, G)


[info]emeraldserpent began When You Say Nothing At All with Prologue. After spending his time with the Dursleys thinking about his feelings, Harry's self-doubt begins to take hold of his life. (Neville/Harry, PG-13)

[info]lionille completed Everything In Threes with Part III. Third installment in the Hermione/Neville/Harry threesome trilogy. Yet more fluff! And more shoes! (Harry/Hermione/Neville, PG-13) Complete


[info]mneomosyne drew ABC, E. (Snape, Harry, Ron, Neville, G)

[info]laverinth drew Untitled. (Neville, Alice, G)

[info]brevisse drew Flora and Fauna. (Neville, Remus, Harry, Snape, PG)

[info]red_magicmarker drew King of Hearts. (Harry, Neville, G)

Do you have a link to a story or artwork you'd like to share? Comment here or send an email to!

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Sunday, August 13th, 2006

Longbottom Weekly: August 13, 2006


Original poster: coffee_n_cocoa


[info]bandbooktvworm wrote two fics:
Always. Neville is always there for Ginny. (Neville/Ginny, G)
A Cup of Sugar. Neville just visits his neighbor, Ginny, to borrow...something. (Neville/Ginny, PG)

[info]summerborn wrote Memory Yields. A memorable evening that Snape would just as soon forget goes some way towards explaining his hatred of Neville. (Snape, Bellatrix, Neville, PG-13)

[info]orngsnapdragon wrote World Without End. The Romance of Frank and Alice Longbottom in Five Parts. From Hogwarts, to the first war, to afterwards. (Frank/Alice, PG-13)

[info]eeyore9990 wrote Watching. Blaise licked his palm and looked at Neville, a smirk gracing his handsome features. (Neville/Blaise, Harry/Draco, NC-17)

[info]delicatetruth wrote Remember Me. Seamus takes a deep breath as he enters the Green House, unwilling to let his nerves get the best of him. (Neville/Seamus, PG)

[info]alisanne wrote Love’s Helping Hand. The world is devastated, but there is still hope. (Neville/Bill, R)

[info]bryonyraven wrote His Little Secret. Snape will do anything to keep his secret safe. (Snape, Neville, gen, PG)

[info]animamea wrote Hate. Snape hated all people equally, until they gave him a reason to hate them more. Above all, he hated himself. (Snape, Neville, gen, PG)


[info]spiffychocolate has begun The Tale of Trevor the Toad with Prologue and Chapter One. Who is Trevor the Toad, and why on earth would someone decide to write a biography of him, especially in a time of Wizarding War? (Trevor, PG)

[info]meddow updated Growing with Chapter Eight. A Death Eater attack on Hogsmeade has a profound effect on the Tonks family. And Neville is forced to confront his new-found fear of werewolves when one shows up on the doorstep. (Neville, the Tonks family, PG-13)


[info]stepharts drew Droobles (Alice, Neville, G).

[info]kaleidoskope drew The Garden (Neville/Blaise R).

Various and Sundry

[info]heron_advocate has made a compilation of Neville/Ginny art.

[info]historyjunkie has made some implied Neville/Luna icons.

[info]metafrantic is looking for Neville/Pansy fics.

Do you have a link to a story or artwork you'd like to share? Comment here or send an email to!

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Sunday, August 6th, 2006

Longbottom Weekly: August 6, 2006


Original poster: coffee_n_cocoa


[info]rinsbane wrote Cricket Song. Neville’s always been afraid of the blackness of water at night, of the things that lurk under the surface, waiting. But he doesn’t mind sitting on the dock next to the water. (Neville/Harry/Luna, R)

[info]fallenshateiel wrote Words Never Said. They both have been together since the War when they were eighteen yet Neville still thinks that there is something missing. (Neville/Draco, NC-17)

[info]irana wrote two fics:
Something About You. Bill didn't know quite what it was, just that he wanted it. (Neville/Bill, PG-13)
Never Letting You Go. Sequel to Something About You. Bill knew he likely didn't need to seduce Neville, but he wanted to. (Neville/Bill, NC-17)

[info]bribitribbit wrote Gentlemen Kiss Brunettes. Neville walks Susan back to her dorm after a D.A. meeting. (Neville/Susan, G)

[info]emiime wrote The Game. Naturally, Seamus was the one who started the game; or more properly, The Game, capitalised not only for the fact that it had no other title, but also for the importance it took on in their daily routine. (Ron/Neville, Harry, Seamus, Dean, NC-17)

[info]magdelena1969 wrote Good Days. Surprises abound and sparks fly when Neville meets Draco at a Muggle medical convention. (Neville/Draco, NC-17)

[info]quietliban wrote Sophocles Long Ago. Ginny goes to visit Ron, Harry and Hermione at their seaside cottage. They are not who she finds there. (Ginny, Neville, Harry, PG)

[info]ziasudra_fic wrote Trevor’s First Kiss. Trevor fell into a cauldron of mysterious substance. (Neville/Snape/Trevor, crack!fic, PG)

[info]eruwen310780 wrote A Bit of Alright. Neville has something of an eye-opening epiphany, though eye-opening is not exactly accurate. (Neville/Snape, G)

[info]eeyore9990 wrote four fics:
Seeking Peace. Blaise watched, eyes narrowed speculatively, as Neville dug his hands into the earth. (Neville/Blaise, NC-17)
Seducing Neville. Bill watched him, his blue eyes showing his frustration. (Neville/Bill, NC-17)
Not Only Draco. Neville turned to Harry, who’d been moping since his arrival at Hermione and Ron’s pre-wedding bash, and quietly said, “Harry, shut up.” (Neville/Harry, Harry/Draco, R)
Kiss Me. If Neville hadn’t been standing in the right place at the right time, it never would have happened. (Neville/Hermione, PG)

[info]gauriel wrote The Cursebreaker’s Apprentice. Neville joins Bill for a day of cursebreaking, and much more besides. (Neville/Bill, NC-17)

[info]nicholsa wrote Double Dipping. Neville doesn’t like something, will Bill convince him it’s okay? (Neville/Bill, felching, NC-17)

[info]inell wrote Massage. Neville and Bill unwind after a busy day at work. (Neville/Bill, NC-17)


[info]sparkysparky updated Fate’s Follies with Chapter Fourteen. Ron, Hermione and Neville are Aurors searching for ancient artifacts tied to the Grecian Three Fates, that give the bearer immortality and unknown powers. They enlist the help of two wizards and a witch, all with a connection to the artifacts that they themselves are unaware of. (Harry/Ron, Neville/Lavender, Hermione/Blaise, R/NC-17)


[info]elinevere drew Neville Longbottom. (G)

[info]jcho drew Neville. (G)

[info]voldielocks drew Birfday Babies and Trevor vs Nagini. (Harry, Neville, Trevor, Nagini, G)

[info]cugami drew Busy? (Neville/Ron, G)

Various and Sundry

[info]snape_rarepairs featured pairing for August is Snape/Neville.

[info]historyjunkie has created some Neville/Luna manips and icons.

Do you have a link to a story or artwork that you'd like to share? Comment here or email!

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Sunday, July 30th, 2006

Longbottom Weekly: July 30, 2006


Original poster: coffee_n_cocoa

Happy Birthday, Neville Longbottom!!!


[info]derryere wrote Suicide Fish, Part One and Part Two. If a person could live without ever being reminded of the one thing that scares him the most, then why shouldn’t he? Why shouldn’t you? (Neville/Seamus, implied Neville/Harry and Seamus/Dean, PG-13)

[info]analytically wrote As the Past Meets the Future. Beneath the weight of his robes, Blaise feels suffocated. He looks up toward Longbottom’s face and notes the determined eyes and the strangely clenched jaw. This is a mission, Blaise believes; this is a purpose. Longbottom has a purpose beyond being irritatingly cheerful, pleasant, willing to do the dishes, help keep the small cottage clean, without offering but simply be doing—this is a mission. (Neville/Blaise, Blaise/Draco, R)

[info]lunafish wrote A Bird in the Hand. Voldemort is dead and the Death Eaters destroyed, but Neville and Ginny aren’t ready to celebrate just yet. (Harry/Ginny, Neville/Ginny, G)

[info]gabriel_anubis wrote You Are Cordially Invited. A wedding day that doesn’t always go smoothly, but a marriage that is nevertheless full of love. (Neville/Moody, PG-13)

[info]elfflame wrote Vignettes. Death might follow life, but so too would life always follow death. (Ron/Pansy, Neville/Hermione, Molly, Draco, Tonks, PG)

[info]ran_huo wrote Definition/Revolution. Your revolution will not be started with the words Crucio or Imperio, but with Hey, Parvati, how are you? Neville Longbottom finds his own way to fight back. (Neville gen, PG)


[info]lionille updated Everything In Threes with Part II. Another installment in the Hermione/Neville/Harry threesome story. More fluff! More shoes! Posted on Neville’s birthday! (Harry/Hermione/Neville, PG-13)


[info]rosebay_fairie drew Neville and Ginny at the Yule Ball. (G)

[info]damn_squiggly drew Three Neville pics. (G)

Do you have a link to a story or artwork you'd like to share? Comment here or email
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Sunday, April 30th, 2006

Longbottom Weekly, April 30, 2006


Original poster: coffee_n_cocoa


--[info]lazy_neutrino wrote Paper Cuts. Neville writes letters to his parents. (Neville gen, G)
--[info]ficklemuse wrote Scorched Earth, Part One and Part Two. "Him?" Snape considered his answer before drinking half the whiskey in one gulp. "Much like my cauldrons, I suspect Longbottom is here to ruin me." (Neville/Draco, PG)
--[info]ellie_fics wrote Friendship. Neville learns a thing or two about friendship. (Neville, Goyle, PG)
--[info]nibo wrote Stasis. What is it like to be standing on the cusp between Stasis and All That Lay Beyond? (Neville, G)
--[info]lurvesnape wrote A Helping Hand. Harry's in trouble; Neville lends a helping hand. (Harry/Neville, NC-17)
--[info]themostepotente wrote Coup de Grace. Snape is confronted by a student of his past at a Masquerade Ball. (Neville/Snape, NC-17)
--[info]wildestranger wrote The Rewards of Virtue. After setting Seamus up with a time-controlled Enervate-charm (Neville had learned young that Petrificus Totalus was a good spell against friends who thought they were doing it for your own good), Neville left the office and hoped never to hear of the matter again. (Neville/Seamus, R)
--[info]jenw118 wrote Understood. Neville looked up from his plants in Greenhouse Five as the door opened. (Neville/Luna, PG)
--[info]mary_re wrote Paths Taken. After the war, Neville has settled into a comfortable life. When his gran dies, however, he has to make a few tough decisions. (Neville gen, G)
--[info]eeyore9990 wrote three fics:
All I Want Is You series. Neville and Bill discover they have something in common. (Bill/Neville, NC-17)
Rimming and Felching with Straws?!? Oh My!! Bill’s favourite activity was dirty talking. Actually, Bill’s favourite activity was talking dirty to Neville. (Bill/Neville, rimming, felching, NC-17)
Collide. The Mediwitch watched the sweet young man push open the doors to the fifth floor room, his face so solemn and hopeful, as it always was when he came to visit his parents. (Neville/Blaise, PG)
--[info]forgotnsuitcase wrote Requirements. Neville is too nervous to belong. (Neville/Luna, PG)
--[info]theotherchicago wrote Meshes of One in the Morning. "Don't move, boy." (Lucius/Neville, NC-17)
--[info]musesfool wrote Flowers for Parkinson. In Pansy's (sadly limited by Recent Events) circle, a secret fondness for dogs was a lot less shameful than a secret crush on Neville Longbottom. (Neville/Pansy, PG)
--[info]sinfuldraconis wrote The Coat Room. The strangest things can happen in coat rooms. (Neville/Hermione, NC-17)
--[info]remarked wrote Between You and Me (Snapshots). Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend. (Neville, Colin, gen, PG)


[info]eclecticmuse drew The Writing on the Wall. (Neville, Ginny, G)


[info]chrysantza discusses why Neville is truly a Gryffindor.

Have any comments or links to share? Comment here or email!

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