Mar. 20th, 2008


New fic! Three Sheets Plus One - 1/1!

Title: Three Sheets Plus One (1/1)
Summary: Pot + tequila + ? = a very plastered Jenny and a very heartfelt confession to a friend.
Fandom: The L Word
Pairing: Shane/Jenny
Rating: R for language.
Notes: By now, I'm pretty sure everybody's heard about the pot party that's supposed to take place this season. I started thinking about the idea of the party and what might take place during it, as well as all the lovely Shenny we got in 5x01 really inspired this. Just so you know, I don't know for sure what is going to happen at the party - I haven't been spoiled that much on that episode, yet, really - so this all just a fanciful 'what if' game on my part. Enjoy!
Dedicated to: Kate and Mia, because they get it! YAY SHENNY! :D

It was quarter of eleven at night, that Saturday when Jennifer Schecter went missing... )