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30 Sep 08

Owl from Mercy Thomas to Alice Diggory, dated 15 September 1942... [30.09.08|01:11]


[Mood |worried]

Securely warded, in reply to her owl:

Dear Alice,

Barring lightning rains, bombs, falling meteors and other acts of God and Grindelwald, I'll see you in Londinium tomorrow morning. I hope Bill is really healed and stays that way. The family has had such terrible luck lately; we need some good news and a break from the bad luck Marcus made for us all and did not have the good grace to live through himself, but only bequeathed to us.


PS: Actually I don't know Alessio Zabini very well, but I thought he was only a journeyman! Well, it sounds like he will have a quite impressive magister's thesis. All I really know about him was that he was meant to get married last weekend, and didn't, and that he was once involved with Arianwen's guild-master, Yvon Malfoy--who is a very lovely young man, one of Dracaena's French cousins, but he calls her mother because she treats him like a son.

PPS: You don't need to reply, unless I don't make it to the hospital by noon, but if I don't, you'll probably know what's wrong, as I do mean to be there.

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Letter from Estrid Farryll to Dracaena Malfoy, dated 15 September 1942, delivered by raven [30.09.08|07:38]


[Mood |prepared]

Warded, sealed, and carried by a faerie raven which will defend itself, in reply to Dracaena's two letters to Lord Farryll

To Lady Malfoy, mistress of the groves and hives of Avalon, Estrid Farryll, daughter of the raven and sister of the winds of the north sends greetings with reverence and affection.

I have returned home to my lands, as you realise it is perhaps none too soon. We thank you humbly for your intelligence of yesterday. We do not know yet if we would treat with the iron folk, for although I have lived among them I do not know them and perhaps never shall. But it may be that under these clouds it is time for the Farrylls at long last to learn them.

We were not struck by our enemy last night as you feared, but his hand draws near enough to almost be seen and yet we cannot see it clearly. This alone we know: that we must stand and face him at last. We thank you greatly for your allies' help in securing our borders without the mists, our debt is great. But within them we cannot be aided by any ally. To our own strengths we must turn, as our enemy turns our own lost arts against us.

Afterwards, should it be that we are able, we would treat with you ere long, and do you honour as our ally and friend, and, might it be, High Queen in these times.

Sealed this fifteenth day of September, nineteen hundred and forty-second year of the common era, and writ by mine own hand:

Estrid Farryll
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