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19 Sep 08

Dispatch from Stefan Thibault, delivered 15 September 1942 to Vincent Rosenthal: [19.09.08|09:46]


[Mood |worried]

Strongly warded, but in a cipher that was broken several days ago:

Rumour has it that the Popescu girl killed someone, but not Urielle de Kernoƫl.

Sevvie took Rosethorn into Calais on 2nd September. Hope they're with you because no-one can find them. Rosethorn told her to cross on her own if he couldn't, but you know how she is; she probably won't come if he can. Something is going on there; she was last seen with a couple of crazies from Durmstrang--remember Proschenko? he and that mad Hungarian girl used to correspond with your brother--and a former Italian agent who's leaving a trail of dead bodies that I can't believe Jerry won't notice.

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Late Tuesday afternoon, 15 September 1942, at Malfoy Manor in Tintagel... [19.09.08|16:31]


[Mood |concerned]

...hold your glass up, hold it in: never betray the way you've always known it is... )

[info]dracaena, [info]standingwave and [info]maddie_proctor

Owl from Lucius Malfoy to Kathleen Lovegood, dated 15 September 1942... [19.09.08|18:14]


[Mood |tired]

Accompanied by a basket of fruit; warded as strongly as Kat can handle, and sealed with his seal, in reply to her owl:

Dear Kat:

I am sorry that things have been so terrible... )

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