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24 Jul 08

Owl from Dracaena Malfoy to Cyneheard Farryll, dated 14 September 1942... [24.07.08|10:42]


[Mood |worried]

Strongly warded and sealed with her seal:

To Cyneheard Lord Farryll, Raven’s kin, admired elder kinsman and deemster of the Moot, Dracaena Aranxta, Lady Malfoy, mistress of the groves and hives of Avalon, sends greetings.

Pray forgive me if I seem importunate, but I am not writing to ask you again when we may meet, but rather to tell you that we have seen the danger which faces us both, and that we have spoken to Kyteler Dux Bellorum, and help is coming, both within and without the mists. I cannot spare many of my companions, but Kyteler can spare more. Your borders also will be watched tonight.

Kyteler would also treat with you, as he does treat with me. The days when Londinium’s troubles were none of our own have long passed; as we stand for Britannia, so also are her difficulties ours.

May the land protect and honour you always.

Sealed this fourteenth day of September, nineteen hundred and forty-second year of the common era, and writ by mine own hand:

Dracaena Aranxta, Lady Malfoy

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Urgent owl from Dion Fortune to her coven, dated 14 September 1942... [24.07.08|11:18]


[Mood |worried]

Heavily warded and ciphered and bearing her seal:

My friends:

I hope this missive finds you all well and safe. Once again the darkness hangs close over Cornwall, and also in the North; tonight is not a cross-quarter night, but it is still a night of danger. As Michaelmas draws near, the darkness grows stronger.

Remember that the sword Excalibur, defender of these Isles, rests in Avalon, where the Lady guards it until it is needed. On Lammas Eve we helped her young son draw the sword from the stone. Visualise Excalibur held firmly in her son’s hand, ready to strike what is coming our way. Imagine the waters of Avalon rising against the enemy, and the wall of briars holding fast. We are the waters and we are the briars; and we lend our strength to them both so that they may defend and protect Britannia as we protect them. Do not strike impulsively. This work must be done with precise control. The Lady of Avalon does not go out to war, but she will end it if it comes to her. When she deems we must strike, you will know it.

Whatever you may think of the woman to whom it is given to carry her burden and crown, remember this: she rose as the Lady of Avalon from the body and blood of the king who died on the stones and was sacrificed for the sovereignty of Britannia. She is not in her daily life Vivian, nor do I say that her son is Arthur reborn. They are fallible, as we are—but they carry the holy blood, and the work of that blood is theirs to be done.

Remember also the Great Raven who sleeps in the North, for tonight he may wake, and if he wakes he will demand his due. It will be better if he is not needed yet.

The work, as always, may be long and difficult, but I know that you will see this through.

Dion Fortune

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School owl from Will Goyle to Arianwen Rosier, dated 14 September 1942... [24.07.08|14:34]


[Mood |sympathetic]

Warded and sealed:

My dear Miss Rosier,

After some discussion with your fellow Healing students already on the Squad I have decided to place you on the Inquisitorial Squad (which I shall announce at supper) and deputise you to assist Madam Pomfrey in teaching basic triage methods after tonight's drill. I realise this may cause some difficulty for you with Madam Pomfrey however I shall attempt to impress upon my cousin that the safety of the inhabitants of the castle is more important than her opinion regarding the nature of any extracurricular relationship you may or may not have had with any superiors in the Guild. Don't disappoint me.

Sincerely yours,
Hogwarts Inquisitor.

P.S.: while it may offer you cold comfort I shall present you with an observation which is probably not foreign to you: people are stupid, not logical, and will often throw caltrops into the path of those who could help them most. Even very skilled people. Invariably those who know how to do a job best will from time to time find themselves under the command of those who are rather less competent. Know that you are not the first nor will you be the last to find yourself in such circumstance, and that it does not go unnoticed.

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