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11 May 08

Owls from Florian Leffoy, dated 13 September 1942... [11.05.08|19:19]


[Mood |angry]

Warded as strongly as the recipients can handle, and sealed with his seal:

To Kathleen Loveday, in reply to her letter: )


To Ercole Malaspina, in reply to his letter: )
Linkopen the diary

Owl from Dylan Mulciber to Alastor Moody, dated 13 September 1942... [11.05.08|21:46]


[Mood |amused]

Securely warded and sealed, in response to his owl:


I know why you're staying--I've overheard Goyle arguing with Lady Malfoy about Dashwood and Kyteler through the fire, in between helping Miss Polly and just about everything else. I'm on the Squad now, and I wish you were too, but we'll figure that out. I know what's happened and I'll tell you as much as I'm allowed to when you come back. The problem was in Gryffindor, so you can stop being so very upset with yourself for not having noticed.

Eu te amo.

Milhão beijos,

Linkopen the diary

Late Sunday afternoon, 13 September 1942, in the hallways of Hogwarts Castle... [11.05.08|22:56]


[Mood |uncomfortable]

...I am invisible (I am) am I responsible? (I am) I'm in between it all, who is the enemy? I am part of no plan--my honesty is contraband--my blood is thicker than any man's... )

[info]joscelin, [info]pendle_mist and [info]discimus

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