.:| lightning war: a secret history |:. - 14th April 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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14 Apr 08

Urgent owl from the office of the Hogwarts Inquisition, 13 September 1942... [14.04.08|17:51]


[Mood |pissed off]

To the parents of Richard Pollard, Anthony Stebbins, Blaise Thomas, Mimi Thomas, Alfred Tucker and Jeremy Wood, sealed against tampering:

As Hogwarts Inquisitor, it is my solemn duty to inform you that you will be meeting the Hogwarts Express at Platform 9-3/4 in King's Cross Station tomorrow at noon. Do not come to Hogsmeade. Your children will be escorted from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade station tomorrow morning by one of our Aurors and there will be an Auror on board the train with them. They will not be released at King's Cross if a parent or guardian is not present, even if they are of age.

Richard Pollard, Anthony Stebbins, Blaise Thomas, Mimi Thomas, Alfred Tucker and Jeremy Wood were the individuals responsible for planning the party which resulted in the death of Miss Philippa Brown and the destruction of the Three Broomsticks last night. They will not be welcome again at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry until the start of the autumn term next year, and are exhorted to spend the intervening year contemplating how they may best improve their characters.

Magickal Law Enforcement will be contacting you with regard to fines yet to be assessed. I should like to take this opportunity to remind you that the ban against students who have served in the armed forces returning to Hogwarts has been lifted, and that service to one's country in its time of need has often proven a civilising influence.

Hogwarts Inquisitor

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