Let's Cruise [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

[Jul. 31st, 2009|06:51 pm]
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Who: Rufus and Liadan
What: Being cute together
Where/When: Their cabin/Tonight
Warnings: Cuteness. Will update if necessary.

You're the reason I live, you're the reason I die, you're the reason I give when I break down and cry )

[May. 26th, 2009|09:15 pm]
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Who: Rufus and Liadan
What: "Talking"
When: Today
Warnings: None yet.

Insert Witty Text Here )

[Feb. 3rd, 2009|09:01 pm]
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Who: Liadan Shenkmana nd Rufus Dent
What: Hanging Out
Where/When: Their cabin, Tonight
Warnings: Possible

Liadan was intrigued by what Carey had told her. Rufus mentioned marriage and kids, two things they had never really talked about. Liadan never thought she'd be interested in either, but Rufus had changed the wway she felt about a lot of things.

She expected him home any minute, and she glanced at herself in the mirror just to be sure everything was in place. He was bringing dinner, and she hoped he thought to pick up a couple cookies.

[Jan. 16th, 2009|12:28 pm]

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Who: Carey & Rufus
What: Carey is meddling in other people's lives to avoid thinking about his own.
Where: The Duck & Dog
When: Friday night

For while I cannot love myself, I'll use something else. )

[Jan. 1st, 2009|01:23 pm]
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Email to Rufus )

[Oct. 27th, 2008|12:19 pm]


Who Rufus and OPEN
What Rufus is eating lunch
Where Top deck, on a deck chair no less!
When Monday lunch time
Rating/status tba / in progress

um num num )

[Sep. 7th, 2008|04:09 pm]

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Who Rufus and Liadan
What Who knows, hanging out!
Where Their cabin and perhaps onwards?
When Sunday afternoon
Rating/status tba/ in progress

When in Rome )

[Sep. 4th, 2008|11:55 am]

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Left on the bed for Liadan )

[Aug. 14th, 2008|10:23 am]

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Who Rufus and OPEN
What Getting ready for port!
Where On the ship then out in Albany, Australia!
When Thursday morning
Rating/Status TBA / In progress

Just when you get on a roll, here it goes, here it goes, here it goes again! )

Email to Liadan Shenkman [Jul. 28th, 2008|09:23 pm]

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To: [info]liadan_shenkman
From: [info]jdent
Subject: How's the Serendipity Dream? )

[Jul. 27th, 2008|02:54 pm]

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Who Rufus and Liadan
What Rufus is freee!
Where The clinic
When After the hostages were released, after the gunfight, after the explosions, etc.
Rating / Progress TBA though mentions of violence and being kidnapped / in progress

I can't care 'bout anything but you. )

[Jul. 25th, 2008|11:58 am]


Who Rufus and Mobsters!
What Guess. Just Guess. Dance class! Not.
Where The dance studio/aerobics class room
When Friday morning, early
Rating / status PG / Complete

I want you to notice when I'm not around. )

[Jun. 23rd, 2008|06:25 pm]

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[music |Gettin' Jiggy With It by Will Smith]

Who Rufus Dent and OPEN
What Rufus is laying in the sun
Where Top deck, lounge chairs
When Monday afternoon
Rating Pg-13 likely.

You Gotta Prada Bag With A Lotta Stuff In It, Give It To Your Friend, Let's Spin! )

[May. 17th, 2008|07:08 pm]

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who Rufus and Liadan
What Dancing
Where Where people dance.
When Saturday night
Rating/Status tba / incomplete

Save the Last Dance for me )

[May. 17th, 2008|03:46 pm]

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Left outside Liadan's door, with a large note saying 'Don't Step On Me, Please' )

[Apr. 21st, 2008|10:46 pm]
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Who: Rufus and Liadan
What: Hanging out
When: Today, after Liadan got found the rose Rufus left outside her door
Where: Rufus' cabin

Liadan couldn't contain herself any longer. With the rose in hand, she headed to Rufus' cabin. She was nervous, but in a good way. She had butterflies in her stomach. She liked Rufus, a lot. She could picture them together, five or even ten years down the road. Married, maybe, living in a small town with a couple of kids. It was silly, she knew. There was no way to know, so early on. But she could fantasize, and maybe hope. He was a good guy, he would treat her right.

Pushing those thoughts from her mind, she reached up to knock on his door. She sniffed the rose while she waited, twirling it under her nose.

[Apr. 20th, 2008|11:41 pm]

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Left outside Liadan's door with a post-it note stuck to the stem )

[Apr. 14th, 2008|06:10 pm]

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Who Rufus and Chelsea
When Monday, after Rufus' afternoon class
Where Pool side
What Meeting
Rating/Status TBA / In Progress

Once Upon A Time, Not So Long Ago... )

[Apr. 6th, 2008|12:53 pm]
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Who: Liadan and Rufus
What: Getting to know each other better
Where: Liadan's room
When: Today
Warnings Potentially NWS. That is the goal.

She found she'd been listening to music more lately. Soft, calssical music. It soothed her, when he wasn't around, because it reminded her of him. The way he moved, the way he spoke, the way he held her safe in his arms, even when he wasn't touching her at all. She wasn't quite ready to call it love, but it was getting there. She trusted him, and that ws huge, after all that she'd been through. She didn't trust easily, she'd thought she'd never trust another man at all. She'd even considered trying her luck with another woman. And then he came along, shattering the dark like a ray of pure sunlight.

The cookies helped. The cookies were a tradition now. A rouse she could use to bring him to her. He fell for it, and that made her smile. She glanced at the door. he was on his way, now. He should arrive any moment. With cookies. She was already anticipating the knock on the door, and the crinkle of the bag he carried. The smoothness of the fresh bajked cookies melting in her mouth. She did a quick check of the room, to make sure everything was ready.

She was ready.

[Mar. 6th, 2008|06:33 pm]
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Who: Liadan and ORufus
What: Drinking
Where: One of the many bars on ship
When: This evening

She kept imagining scenarios for where Carey might be. She assumed Alfie Danger-James was with him. Maybe they were fighting, she knew they had a shady past. She didn't know the details, she'd never asked. Maybe they'd fought on one of the outer decks, and ended up over board. Carey never learned to swim when they were kids. She had a strong visual of him flailing in the water, helpless. Surely he'd learned, somewhere along the way. He wouldn't be working on a cruise ship if he couldn't swim, that would be suicide. Which opened up a whole other train of thought, and Liadan shivered to think that could very well have happened, whether or not her brother had learned to swim.

Rufus had come down to see her, To take a walk, to get her mind off things. They'd walked, and she'd been mostly silent. She'd held his hand and listened to him talk, comforted by his presence and his friendship. But it wasn't enough to settle her mind and her fears.

That was why she'd wound up at the bar. Drinking. She didn't want to get drunk, she just wanted to stop thinking about Carey and his possible fate. She had no way of knowing. He may have gotten off the ship in port. He may have missed the deadline for reboarding, That would be just like him. Or maybe he and this Danger-James were hiding somewhere on the ship, playing some stupid school yard game to see how long it would take someone to find them. Or maybe...The possibilities were endless, and she had no way of knowing anything at all.

Easier just to drink. And the man sitting across form her made her feel just a tiny bit safer. It was something, and she was grateful. "I'm sorry, Rufus. You can go. I know I'm a stick in the mud tonight. You don't have to stay."

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