Let's Cruise [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

[Sep. 29th, 2008|09:24 pm]
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Who: Peter and Lizzie
What: Big cookie times!
Where: Peter's room
When: Sunday evening

A gimp with a cookie )

[Sep. 2nd, 2008|12:43 am]
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[mood | happy]

Who: Lizzie and Peter
What: Her returning Bert
When: Now, duh
Where: The hallways then Peters cabin
Rating: PG-13? If its anything else I'll change it
Open: To [info]petey_derekson

Do you love me//do you wanna be my friend//And if you do//Well, then don't be afraid to take me by the hand//If you want to//I think this is how love goes//Check yes or no )

[Aug. 19th, 2008|06:32 pm]
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Who: Petey and Lizzie (Oh, and Bert!)
What: Peter is hiding from the guy he punched 8D
Where: Lizzie's room
When: Tuesday evening
Warnings: TBA

I'm on the highway to hell )

[Jul. 28th, 2008|11:25 pm]
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[mood | in pain and annoyed]

Who: Lizzie and Peter
What: Helping her pack
When: Backdated to Sunday night/Incredibly early Monday morning
Where: Lizzie's Cabin on the Surprise
Rating: PG? PG 13?
Open: To [info]petey_derekson

Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends//Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends//Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends//Yes I get by with a little help from my friends//With a little help from my friends )

[Jun. 23rd, 2008|05:22 pm]
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Who: Lizzie Daniels and Peter Derekson
What: Drinks
When: Ten
Where: Starts at the juice bar
Rating: Pg to start? Jjust a random thread so who knows what could happen
Open: To [info]petey_derekson only

Life is your restaurant//And I'm your maitre'd//C'mon whisper what it is you want//You ain't never had a friend like me )

[Jun. 23rd, 2008|06:25 pm]

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[music |Gettin' Jiggy With It by Will Smith]

Who Rufus Dent and OPEN
What Rufus is laying in the sun
Where Top deck, lounge chairs
When Monday afternoon
Rating Pg-13 likely.

You Gotta Prada Bag With A Lotta Stuff In It, Give It To Your Friend, Let's Spin! )

[May. 16th, 2008|10:35 am]
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Who: Maggie and Petey (yay for fun names)
What: Petey got zapped
Where: The clinic
When: Friday afternoon

Little electrical zaps had never bothered him much but when that young woman had left a message on his journal saying he should get it checked out, he took her word for it. Sauntering down the hallway, he made his way to the clinic and pushed open the door. "Hello?" Petey inquired almost nervously. Empty rooms did that to him - made him nervous. Stepping inside he glanced around, looking for anyone.

[May. 15th, 2008|09:07 pm]
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Who: Trystan Van and Open!
Where: Rusovce Mansion
When: Thursday early evening
Why: It's where his feet took him!

It was actually the lure of the gardens... )

[May. 7th, 2008|10:21 am]
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Who: Petey and Edha
What: Meeting
Where: Ship Kitchen
When: Wednesday morning

He was prowling around the kitchen looking for something to eat. Petey couldn't help it, after cutting nicotine out of his system he found himself craving something else to fill the empty spot and food was it. Though he hadn't ordered enough for breakfast and was thus looking around for someone who worked in the kitchen to perhaps bum a bit of food off of. Scraps would do him well, he supposed. Really, he was looking for anything and everything.

With a sigh he glanced around, opening a cupboard.

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