Let's Cruise [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

[Aug. 4th, 2009|01:46 pm]
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Who: Everyone! - Seriously, open thread. Multiple threads welcome and not just with Geneva
What: Costume Day (er something like that) at the Casino
When: All day
Where: Um.. the Casino
Warnings: We'll just go with PG-13 and see how it progresses

Costume Party! )

[Jul. 31st, 2009|07:02 pm]
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Who: Jody and Ted
What: Just hanging out
Where/When: Starting in casino/End of their shifts
Warnings: Likely, but none yet

The casino never shut down, and there was no official end of the work day, but Jody declared his day over at 7pm. He'd been in his office or on the floor all day. He needed to take a break, come back fresh in the morning.

He wasn't the only one who had been working all day. At least, he thought Ted had been working. With Ted, he was never quite sure, but the work got done, so Jody didn't care what he did throughout the day.

He went to Ted's office door, and leaned against the frame. He said nothing, waiting instead for the other man to notice he was there. He rather liked watching Ted work, and he didn't bother to try and hide the smile that touched his lips.

[May. 13th, 2009|12:24 am]
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Who Ted and Jody (and most likely autumn?)
What Hanging out
Where Ted is dropping by Jody's cabin!
When Tonight
Rating tba

Love me, love me, say that you'll love me. )

[Mar. 16th, 2009|12:04 am]
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Who Ted and Jody
What Drinking for Ted is yet again pining
Where Duck and Dog
When Now. Tonight.
Rating/status Highish for drinking and language / complete

Bromance. )

[Feb. 7th, 2009|06:08 pm]
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Who: Hayley and Jody
What: Having lunch
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: The chinese place
Status: Incomplete
Rating: TBD

Honestly Hayley wasn't upset that her daughter had been brought up after all she had been the one to actually bring her up. And it hadn't upset her at all really. It was just one of those things. Sure she thought about her daughter more at holiday times, but she hadn't been actually upset in a while. It had been easier for her to get out and spend some time around people lately. Though she still didn't know if she could feel anything.

But she'd agreed to have lunch with a guy she didn't know which wasn't a date like he said. It was just two people having lunch. And though she hadn't even been to lunch with a guy in an age, she figured it was at least a way to get out of her room. So she headed to the chinese place and sat down at a table, waiting for Jody to show up.

[Dec. 26th, 2008|10:27 pm]
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Who: Jody, Autumn, and OPEN
What: Ice Cream!
Where: Ice Cream Parlor
When: Friday evening
Warnings: Probably not with Autumn present XD

Jody was nowhere near finished with the books, the work load was double at the end of the year, nearly triple with Ted having been off for so long. Jody realised just how much Ted did, because most of it didn't get done in his absense. Well, there was no point lamenting about that. Ted had a right to a few days off, even if Jody had missed having him lurking about in the casino offices. Still, no matter. It was the day after Christmas, and Jody wanted to spend the evening with his daughter, instead of hitting the books.

He picked Autumn up from the day care and asked her what she wanted to do. She wanted ice cream, and Jody had a hard time denying her anything she wanted. She'd cleaned up for Christmas, she'd gotten everything on her list that she wanted, save one thing, but Jody was trying not to think about that. Autumn's mother wanted nothing to do with her. When she looked at Autumn, she saw imperfection and tragedy. Jody saw beauty and life, but he couldn't make her see that.

At the ice cream counter, Jody knelt, signing to ask Autumn what flavor ice cream she wanted. Autumn signed her answer, and Jody told the girl behind the counter. With two heaping cones, the pair made their way to a table.

[Nov. 29th, 2008|01:35 pm]
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Who Ted and Jody
What Bromancing.
Where Jody's office
When Lunchtime
Rating/status tba / in progress

Walk around, waste another mile now )

[Oct. 3rd, 2008|11:03 pm]
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Who Ted and Jody
What Drinks!
Where Somewhere drinks are served.
When Friday night!
Rating/status tba / in progress

Brosexual )

[Sep. 4th, 2008|08:16 pm]
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Who: Anyone!
What: Drink night at the casino
Where: The Casino
When: Backdated to Wednesday September 3rd
Warnings: Probably some drunk people
Notes: Feel free to have your characters mingle with each other in the comments. This isn't just for people to interact with Andy. Be sure to keep it clear who your tag is for, though and I'm sorry it's a day late.

Lets get our drink on )

[Aug. 28th, 2008|08:23 pm]
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who: Lily & Jody
what: Meeting
when: Thursday around 1pm
where:Fitness Center on deck 3
rating: tbd, but as a warning Lily tends to have a foul mouth

Working out + Candy necklaces = Bad idea )

[Jul. 7th, 2008|10:33 pm]
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Who Ted and Jody
What Comparing perv pictures?
Where Jody's office (cue cackles!)
When Monday afternoonish
Rating/status tba though language is an issue with Ted / in progress

Love is Slippery When Its Wet. Eww. )

Email [Apr. 27th, 2008|07:00 pm]
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To: [info]evelyn_marks
From: [info]jody_starr
Subject: Upcoming Dance

Dear Miss Marks, )

[Apr. 1st, 2008|07:45 pm]

Who: Jody and OPEN
What: Hanging Out
Where: Casino
When: Tonight

Jody had left Autumn with day care, as was the routine. She wasn't allowed on the casino floor, and Jody needed to work the floor, rather than sit in his office entertaining his daughter. He felt kind of foolish dressed in black and yellow stripes, but in the casino, he almost fit in. The spring fever campaign was entertaining, at the least, and when it came down to it, Jody enjoyed seeing the other ship employees in their costumes. he'd had a hard time explaining the whole thing to Autumn, and in the end she'd decided it was like Halloween, and had insisted on dressing up, herself, as a smaller version of Jody's bee.

Jody smiled, as he walked past a slot machine and witnessed a young woman win a couple hundred dollars. The hope was she'd keep playing and give most if not all her winnings back to the casino, but even if she took the gain, he was happy for her. The casine finance reports were spot on for March, and that alone made Jody very happy. He nodded at a few guests as they gawked at his costume, and kept walking.

[Feb. 25th, 2008|11:00 pm]

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Who: Alfie and OPEN
When: 8 AM
Where: Deck 3, The aerobics classroom
Why: Boredom

Alfie had just given a lecture to the senior citizen group over activities available to them while they're on board and whatnot. Silly old people things. He didn't even remember what, now. The Senior lectures were always so early in the morning. But he'd had his coffee, so he was good right now. He had wandered into the aerobics classroom and curiously made his way around to the wall of the aerobics balls, mischieviously studying them a bit before he reached over to take one off the rack. It had actually been in the gym where he had originally met Juliet. He had been throwing the aerobics balls all the way across the room, and occasionally at people. He thought about doing that now.. but.. THere was no one around. What the hell were these things used for anyway? He started bouncing the oversized rubber ball a bit.

[Feb. 2nd, 2008|08:22 pm]

Who: Jody and Chelsea
What: A Date
When: Tonight!
Warnings: None, yet!

Jody dropped Autumn off at day care. He was a little heart broken she gleefully kissed him then ran off. He was glad she no longer cried when he left her off, but at the same time, he missed it. He almost felt like she was outgrowing her need for him, which was rediculous. He watched her for a moment, walking away only after she turned and waved.

He stopped at one of the stores to get a single rose, before heading up to Chelsea's cabin. He hoped the rose wasn't too much, but he wanted to give her something. He sniffed it, before raising a hand to knock at her door.

[Jan. 16th, 2008|07:24 pm]

Who: Jody, Autumn, and open
What: Hanging Out
Where: Indoor Playground (Deck Four)
When: Tonight!

Jody held Autumn's hand until they reached sight of the playground. She tugged her hand loose, signed to him that she would be careful, and took off like a shot. Jody watched her go, smiling to himself. She headed right for the ball pit, one of her favorite indoor playground activities. Jody hovered near the door, watching Autumn play, occassionally waving to her through the plexi glass. He loved watching her play. He thought she was at the perfect age to just be a kid. She knew she was different from other kids because she couldn't hear, but she was still carefree and innocent,a nd she didn't care. Hearing loss didn't slow her down in the least, except when she tried to sign to other kids who just didn't understand.

Jody deserpately wanted to meet Autumn's friend Missy from day care, and Jake, the man who had taught Missy some sign language. He'd spoken to Jake over the computer, and they planned to meet for a meal so Autumn could meet him. Jody was certain it would please her to know someone else on the ship could talk to her in the language she understood. For now, Jody was content to watch his daughter play in the ball pit, and listen to her high pitched squeals of delight.

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