Let's Cruise [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

[Nov. 3rd, 2008|12:09 pm]
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Who: Alfie and Regina
Where: Ship café
When: Now

Regina still couldn’t get over how weird it was to talk to people online. She was in constant need of face to face interactions. She loved to see people, watch for their cues, facial expressions, all of their verbal and non-verbal communication. Her interactions with most people over the internet, to her, felt forced and awkward. Things chanced though when Alfie stepped into the picture. Glad to be getting out of her room it didn’t take long for her to throw on a dress and slip on some shoes.

With a map of the ship in hand she made it to the café safe and sound. This sort of reminded her of being on a blind date, even more so since she didn’t know what the guy looked like. Regina surveyed the café and put a hand on her hip as she looked around. She couldn’t get over how cool his name was and she thought about shouting Danger but that would have been stupid. It would have been like yelling fire, people would freak out.

She pouted her lips slightly, pressed them together, and blew air out making a noise. Her eyes shifted and she slowly started to shuffle sideways into the line.

[Nov. 3rd, 2008|01:18 pm]

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Who: Calfie (Cosy + Alfie)
What: A walk to the pool
When: 11:27 pm.
Where: Cosette's cabin, the halls, the sheep, the pool.

Verevolfses! )

[Nov. 3rd, 2008|12:18 am]

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Who: Carey & Alfie
What: Random encounter?
Where: The Kaleidoscope, Deck Five
When: Sunday night

While the messengers get the message in, try to capture us we’ve done nothing wrong  )

[Jun. 4th, 2008|10:14 am]

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Who: Janis and Alfie
Where: Juice bar
When: Noon

The juice bar was the only bar she could go into now. It was sad not being able to drink. Janis had spent a long time hiding from herself and was quite good at it. Now she had to do things with the aid of any substances. She couldn’t wake up anymore and make a cocktail and go to work. She couldn’t take a hit on her lunch break. She had to feel and deal with it, she didn’t like it. She also didn’t like how alone she was. She never really felt like she had Carey but she still missed him. She missed Alfie, her Alfie. There was Pip she was sure there’d always be Pip but Janis was so needy at times and she was sure she’d burn him out so she had to spread her Pip time out.

Janis had been out all morning taking photos of/for the guests as they were around the ship and going into the city. She had her break now and was comforting herself with a concoction of blueberry raspberry something. The place was practically empty and she didn’t feel like talking to the juice guy behind the bar so she sat at a table by a window by herself.

[May. 23rd, 2008|12:17 am]

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Who: Calfie, together again...for the first time?
When: 10 am!
Where: The dock

Roll, roll, roll in zhe hay! Roll, roll your troubles avay! Vhen life is awful just jump on a strothel and roll, roll in zhe hay! )

Email [May. 19th, 2008|11:09 am]

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To: O'Brady, Cosette
From: Danger-James, Alfie M.
Subject: It's a lot more pleasant looking during the day, isn't it? )

[May. 5th, 2008|10:39 am]

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When: "tonight after dinner"
Where: Cosette's cabin

[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<lj-cut="don't>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

When: "tonight after dinner"
Where: Cosette's cabin

<lj-cut="don't go breaking my heart! I couldn't if I tried!">

He really liked his pillow. He was almost certain Malachy would likely make fun of it, if he wasn't sober. But Alfie didn't care. He loved his gift from Cosette!
He'd called her from the staff lounge phone and pretty much sounded like a very incompetent person whilst trying to get his message across to her. But at least it seemed like she understood when she emailed him. That, or Cosette wanted him to come by so she could ask him what the fuck he was saying in that message!

But Alfie waited, like she had asked, until after dinner. He'd sat around at the cafe for a while, waiting until he felt like it would be okay to stop by, and he headed back toward the staff cabins. Once he arrived at Cosette's door, he took a deep breath and then sighed a bit, looking down to make sure he didn't have any crumbs on his new green shirt that he was wearing. It wasn't exactly like the other one he had had, but it was as close as he could get. Brushing his shirt off, Alfie then reached up to give a gentle knock on the door. </lj-cut>

[Apr. 29th, 2008|10:26 am]

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Who: Calfie
When: morning
Where: Dock, ashore
Why: Because Cosy is sexy

This is short and sweet because I gotta go buy barbecue for a meeting. :P )

Email [Apr. 22nd, 2008|09:58 am]

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To: Whitfield, Pip
From: Danger-James, Alfie M.
Subject: No Subject )

[Apr. 20th, 2008|08:52 pm]

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Who: Palfie [Pip + Alfie = The SEX]
When: evening
Where: near the elevator and then on to other places!

If Alfie were a woman, he'd SO be Pip's hag. )

[Apr. 18th, 2008|10:24 am]

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Who: CALFIE (Cosette + Alfie = the hotness!)
When: evening
where: Cosy's cabin

Doctor, doctor, give me the news. I've got a bad case of lovin' you! )

[Apr. 7th, 2008|10:14 pm]

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Who: Alfie and Malachy
When: After Carey's rude informative journal entry
Where: their room

........ )

[Apr. 3rd, 2008|01:37 pm]

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Who: Calfie (Alfie + Cosette)
When: early evening
Where: her door

I don't know why I love you, but I do. I don't know why I cry so, but I do. I only know I'm lonely, and that I want you only. I don't know why I love you, but I do. )

[Apr. 2nd, 2008|10:29 pm]

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Who: Alfie and Pip (Palfie?)
When: Evening
Where: Buona Sera Italian Ristorante

Alfie was feeling incredibly under the weather. Well.. He wasn't sick. He just wasn't feeling chipper. Everyone on this ship seemed to have something against him! At least the people he'd talked to.. Okay, okay.. Maybe only Carey hated him. Or wouldn't stop fighting with him and leave him alone. Cosette was telling him things about himself that he didn't want to believe.. but he'd never think Cosette would lie to him-- which, she wasn't. At all. He truly had become the way she described him, it seemed, and he didn't like it. He didn't like it one bit.
He missed Cosette. He knew his relationship with Cosette. He wanted that. He wanted to go back to that. But then he didn't want to hurt this Juliet person's feelings either. And out of nowhere, there was that Janis woman who said they used to fuck like mad.. What in the hell had he become??? A manslut? He was getting more and more upset by the second!
He needed to talk. He needed to have a decent conversation. He needed a drink. He needed something! He was getting stressed and it wasn't good. So far no one had really been entirely friendly with him except Pip. Good, kind, and sweet Pip. He liked the guy. He didn't know if he really knew him before or not, but what Alfie had come to know, he liked. He trusted the guy. He really did. He was genuine. At least that's what Alfie felt like. So he asked to go for a drink, and thankfully, Pip accepted.
Now, Alfie found himself slowly making his way into the Italian restuarant on Deck Three in his designer jeans and his blue Dolce & Gabbana shirt looking, well, metrosexual, himself. He curiously glanced around to see if he could spot Pip, or if he was the first to arrive.

[Apr. 1st, 2008|11:33 pm]

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Who: Alfie and Juliet
When: Afternoon
Where: Her door

Alfie wasn't too sure about this. He didn't know what to do or say.. He had no idea who she was, let alone himself. He had no idea who he was anymore.. and he didn't know who to trust or what to believe. But he had a feeling he really did share something with this woman at one time or another. He just wished he could remember. At least for her sake. Alfie never wanted to hurt anyone's feelings. Ever. At least the Alfie a couple of years ago didn't. Which was who he was, now. He was still stuck in 2004-ish, is what he'd sort of figured out. early 2004-ish... maybe late 2003-ish. He was very different. And from everything he'd gathered, well.. he wasn't sure he liked who he'd become.
Glancing to the small piece of paper he had jotted a few things down on, he sighed and folded it back up before tucking it away into his pocket again and looking to the door and the number. This was the place. Her room. He reached up to adjust his tie. Yes.. he had put on one of his three-piece suits. He used to teach in them. That was a fairly formal occasion and so was this. Taking another deep breath, he reached over to give a light knock on the cabin door before stepping back to wait for an answer. He was so horribly nervous...

[Mar. 27th, 2008|11:11 pm]

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Who: Carey and Alfie
What: causing trouble
Where: their hotel in Ft. Lauderdale, then who knows?
When: Thursday night

Carey was bored. He used to like hotels, with their pools and vending machines and maids who cleaned up after you and made your bed when you weren't around. But living in this hotel was making him absolutely stir-crazy. Emails to his sister, his girlfriend and his best friend had only served to make him feel stupid, lonely, and selfish, respectively, and there were only so many bags of Cheetos one man could stand to eat, even if they were his favorite snack food. He needed entertainment, and he would take it in any form.

But there was nothing fun about entertaining just himself - he needed a partner in crime. And since the only person around was the strange, memory-impaired Romanian who had been stupid enough to follow him in the first place, Carey decided he would have to do. Turning off the scrambled porn he had been attempting to watch, he locked the door to his own room and wandered down the hall to where Alfie was staying. Banging on the door, he called out, "Hey, Alzheimer! Get your ass out here!"

[Mar. 21st, 2008|11:19 pm]

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Who: Calfie (Cosy and Alfie)
When: evening
where: Marriot Hotel, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

What are you trying to tell me? )

[Mar. 3rd, 2008|05:47 pm]

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Who: Carey and Alfie
What: An adventure!
Where: beginning near the lifeboats, headed for parts unknown
When: the wee hours of Tuesday morning
Why: because Stephen and Katie can't be trusted unsupervised on Gmail ;-)

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip... )

[Feb. 29th, 2008|04:36 pm]

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Who: Cosette + Alfie = CALFIE
When: early morning-ish
where: the swimming pool

Alfie was very fond of sitting on the sun deck to read. The sunlight, the fresh air, the warm air and the cool breeze. Everything about it was just perfect.
Today, he had chosen a dark pink Dolce & Gabbana shirt-- and Liz did pick that one out for him, and he had it all neatly pressed and everything to go with his jeans and his black shoes. And socks-- he had on red socks. Because red socks were completely stylish--if not dorky. Carrying his book on Neurology over to one of the nearby lounge chairs, he carefully turned to sit down on one, sliding back to-- well, lounge in it. Crossing his legs at the ankle, he reached up to push his reading glasses back up onto the bridge of his nose before he returned to his reading. Opening the book to the page where he had left off, he began to curiously scan over the page.

[Feb. 28th, 2008|10:38 pm]
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Who: Alfie and Juliet
Where: Dancing lesson place
When: Evening

These two had been on rocky terms for a while. Juliet was always working and Alfie was feeling very neglected. The time they did spend together they were usually getting into some sort of unpleasant conversation. They were breaking up getting back together almost breaking up sexing up arguing and around and around. When Juliet saw Alfie’s post about dancing she was instantly hurt. Their last conversation was about them doing more stuff together and here he was advertising himself and he didn’t bother to ask her. Juliet couldn’t figure out if he was trying to use her working as an excuse to push her away so she’d break up with him again and he’d be done with her. It was hard to tell what he was thinking and if she could figure it out his thoughts never seemed to correlate with his actions or at least not with Juliet.

Here they were tonight taking dancing lessons together. He looked handsome this evening. He also looked good but something about how he was right now he looked particularly attractive. Maybe she thought he looked so good because she loved him, because she hadn’t seen him in a while, or maybe it was because they were surrounded by old people. Either way he was looking good, he smelt good, his voice sounded good, the two of them together was good.
“Do you remember,” she said as they danced. “The first night we met we danced. We haven’t done that since.”

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