Let's Cruise [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

[Mar. 21st, 2009|04:24 pm]
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Who: Asher and Claudia
What: Hanging out.
Where/When: Claudia's cabin/Today.
Warnings: No room mate. So. NWS is likely.

Witty Cut Text Here )

[Feb. 22nd, 2009|01:12 pm]
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Who: Gin, Open to all!
When: Early Evening
Where: Outside Club Chaotic
What: Contemplating entering, if he can get over his nerves!

Clubs are for Cool Kids, what's He to Do? )

[Jan. 1st, 2009|08:22 pm]

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Who: Asher & Claudia
What: Talking
When: Shortly after their emails
Warnings: TBA

I'm never witty enough for this )

[Jan. 1st, 2009|09:13 pm]
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Email to Claudia )

[Dec. 29th, 2008|05:51 pm]
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Who: Asher and Cole
What: Getting their drink on
When/Where: Duck and Dog, Last Night
Warnings: Language, if any.

When you find it you will know cause it's like something you never thought you'd feel )

[Dec. 22nd, 2008|04:27 pm]
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Who: Asher and Tess
What: Meeting
Where/When: Duck and Dog, after Tess joined the crew
Warnings: TBD

I can see forever in your eyes )

[Nov. 9th, 2008|05:18 pm]

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Who: Claudia & Asher
What: Transference of iPods
When: Tonight
Where: Asher's Room

Read more... )

[Nov. 6th, 2008|06:21 pm]
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Who: Asher and Regina
,What: Coffee
When: Tonight
Where: Café

It wasn’t until Regina stepped foot into the café that she realized she made the same mistake twice. First with Alfie it slipped her mind that she didn’t know what he looked like and he her. She shook her head and looked around. She told herself if she was going to do something like this again she was going to tell that person what she looked like. The only thing that comforted her was that she did find Alfie, well, stumbled into him, but found him none the less.

Regina smoothed a hand over her hair that she had pulled back into a bun. She realized she didn’t even know this person’s name. Her face gave away her agitation as she headed to the register to get a cup of coffee. She mumbled to herself as she sat down at a table. Her eyes scanned the room for people who were alone but the ones who were didn’t look like they were looking for company.

[Oct. 9th, 2008|09:48 pm]
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Who: Claudia and Asher
What: Dancing
When: Tonight!
Warnings: I'll let you know

After he'd stayed the night posing as her pillow, they'd discussed going dancing the first night Asher had off work. That happened to be tonight, and he eagerly bounced to Claudia's door to knock. He wore a white dress shirt and vest, with a matching jacket he didn't intend to keep on long. His hair was combed down, the (natural) blonde highlights showing through the over all darker color.

She was expecting him, at least he hoped she'd remembered. He shifted on his feet and swayed his hips as he waited for her to open the door. He had a hard time keeping still, most of the time, anyway, and being near Claudia made him want to stay in constant motion.

[Oct. 6th, 2008|08:55 pm]

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WHO: Claudia & Asher
WHAT: Movies & ice cream
WHEN: After Claudia watches Max sing
RATING: PGish, more or less

Anything so innocent and built like that just gotta be named... )

[Sep. 13th, 2008|10:52 pm]
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Who: Asher and Claudia
What:</b> ...Dancing
Where: Her cabin
When: Today
Warnings: None yet!

Asher took a moment to shut down his computer. Attaching his iPod arm band, he nestled the buds in his ears, and started the dance play list. The Pussycat Dolls kicked in first, a rhythm he couldn't help but dance to. He nearly forgot what he was doing, instantly distracted by the beat of the music. Regrouping, he made his way to the hall and over just one door, to Claudia's cabin. He broke his dance only long enough to knock, his feet continuing to move as he waited for her to answer.

[Sep. 4th, 2008|11:36 am]
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Who Cole and Asher
What Being roomies
Where Their room
When Thursday afternoon
Rating/status tba/ in progress

The point is--Who cares what the point is, I haven't got time for points! )

[Sep. 3rd, 2008|09:29 pm]
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Who: Genoveva and Asher
What: Showing off his new kitten!
Where: Her cabin, 202
When: After their journal conversation
Open: To [info]asher_lucas only!

There's a man over there/With a look of surprise/As much as to say/'Well now how about that!'/Do I actually see/With my own very eyes/A man who's not heard of a Jellicle cat? )

[Aug. 30th, 2008|10:55 am]
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From: [info]asher_lucas
To: [info]colecoop
Subject: Question for the room mate

^---^ )

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