Let's Cruise [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

[Aug. 17th, 2009|10:07 am]
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Who Cole and Yvonne
What A favour
Where Imagination
When Last night - mmm slightly backdated
Rating TBA

A friend in need. )

Nicholas, Cole & Melissa [Aug. 6th, 2009|12:33 pm]
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[mood | energetic]

Who: Nicholas, Cole & Melissa
Where: Poolside
When: Morning!
What: Cole introduces Nick to his daughter
Rating: PG
Status: Complete!

Canonball!!!! )

[Jul. 15th, 2009|08:05 pm]

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WHO: Cole & Yvonne
WHAT: A dance / Other Things
WHERE: The ballroom / Her cabin
WHEN: Wednesday night
RATING: Should be tame. Actually, their friendship is now just a little bit closer, if you know what I mean and I think you do.

After the Captain's dinner with certain guests, Yvonne decided that it was too early to head back to her room, even though she hadn't made any other plans for the evening. It was almost ten o'clock, though, and she decided to drop in on the ballroom before heading out to the decks as usual.

It wasn't a coincidence that Cole was there; it was his job. He and the other gentlemen hosts took turns with the single women aboard the ship in order to even out the numbers at night.

She stood off to the side and watched for a moment, catching his eye as he spun past at one point and giving a small smile. It wasn't just that she was dressed appropriately, she'd even managed to wear the necklace he'd given her for Christmas.

When the music ended, she gave a tiny wave.

[Jul. 12th, 2009|09:13 pm]
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Who Cole and Nicholas
What Talking, playing MASH
Where By the pool
When Sunday afternoon
Rating PG 13

Don't you want me, baby? )

[May. 12th, 2009|07:18 pm]
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Who: Cole Cooper and Thom Brooks
When: Tuesday Evening
Why: Cole found out he was a daddy!
Where: A bar
Rating: tbd

Thom was intrigued... )

[May. 11th, 2009|09:21 pm]

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[WHO] Olivia & Cole (with Melissa)
[WHERE] Top Deck
[WHAT] Meeting, re-meeting
[WHEN] The day she arrives

After unpacking both her things and Melissa's things and making sure that everything in their room was set correctly, Olivia managed to talk Melissa into one of her older dresses for a walk on the deck. She didn't have to work until the ship left Ft. Lauderdale on their next cruise and she wanted to take the time to show Melissa that the ship wasn't anything to be afraid of.

Once on the top deck, with the sun beating down, she let Melissa walk around while she trailed behind, taking in the sights. The entire ship was impressive and though it was all a shade overwhelming, she knew it was a good move for the both of them.

Sitting down on one of the deck chairs, she motioned for Melissa to come close so she could re-buckle her shoe.

[May. 8th, 2009|11:41 am]
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Who: Cole Cooper and Thom Brooks
When: Friday
Where: Exploring Bridgetown
Why: Thom is antsy
Rating: tbd

Thom was fretful )

Nicholas & Cole [Apr. 26th, 2009|12:28 pm]
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Who: Nicholas & Cole
What: Swimming!
Where: The pool
When: Today!
Rating: PG13
Status: Complete!

He didn't know what else to do, so he walked away )

[Apr. 6th, 2009|11:13 am]
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Who: Cole Cooper and Thom Brooks
When: Monday
Where: Thom's Cabin
What: Daddy's boy
Rating: PG-13 for language and nudity

Hmmmmmm... )

Nicholas & Cole [Apr. 4th, 2009|01:47 pm]
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Who: Nick & Cole
What:After a movie and Swimming!
Where: Cabin and then the pool
When: During the day
rating: PG13
Status: Complete!

After the movie... )

At the pool... )

[Apr. 3rd, 2009|05:04 pm]
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Who: Cole Cooper and Thom Brooks
When: Backdated to Wednesday evening.
Where: Thom's cabin
What: Thom's breakdown
Rating: R for reference to drug use and sex

Goodbye was never my strong suit )

[Mar. 25th, 2009|08:21 pm]

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WHO: Yvonne & Cole
WHAT: Dinner!
WHERE: David's Restaurant

Dinner goes here )

[Mar. 19th, 2009|04:16 pm]
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Who: Matti and Cole
What: Chatting
Where: Amethyst Lounge
When: 3pm on Thursday
Rating: PG-13

Where is the moment we needed the most? You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost. )

backdated to march 9th Nicholas, Cole and Jacob [Mar. 10th, 2009|08:50 pm]
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Who: Nicholas, Cole & Jacob
What: Cole takes Nicholas to see a doctor about his back
Where: Nik's room, medical office, back to Nick's room
When: early morn
Rating: Language PG13
Status: Complete!

You rip into my fun Cole, you know that right? )

Nicholas & Cole (backdated friday!) [Mar. 7th, 2009|10:29 pm]
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Who: Nicholas & Cole
What: Nicholas confesses how upset he is about the competition, Jacob, Edward and Thom. Also, he complains about his back, which hurts more than he's willing to let on
Where: Cole's room, then his own
When: After the competitions (friday)
Rating: PG13 language
Status: Complete!

And you call me an old man )

[Mar. 7th, 2009|07:40 pm]
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Who: Cole Cooper and Thom Brooks
When: Late night after the first round of SI tryouts.
Where: Thom's cabin
What: A talk
Rating: PG-13 for language?

Thom was asleep... )

Nicholas & Cole [Mar. 2nd, 2009|12:33 pm]
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Who: Nicholas & Cole
What: Swimming, Cole breechs the topic of escorts and they get into a bit of an arguement
Where: The pool area, then Cole's room
When: Early Morning
Rating: PG - sex talk & language
Status: Complete!

he was the one who had to tell the kid he wasn't really escort material, so he had to figure out how while those other people could sit back and watch )

[Feb. 17th, 2009|04:33 pm]
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Who Cole and Nicholas
What Valentine's Dinner
Where David's
When Valentine's (slightly backdated, whoops!)
Rating/status oooh PG 13. / complete!

Take pictures! )

[Feb. 11th, 2009|11:20 pm]
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Who: Cole Cooper and Thom Brooks
Where: David's
When: Wednesday night
Why: OMG Thom needs a drink, darling
Rating: PG-13 for language no doubt

I'm sorry for spamming the flist tonight. )

Oops! Backdated to yesterday! We forgot! Nicholas & Cole [Feb. 8th, 2009|04:41 pm]
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Who: Nicholas & Cole
Where: Cole's room, apart for awhile, then David's
When: Before lunch, then around four
What: They talk, as usual, about everything
Rating: PG13
Status: Complete! (Enjoy!)

In Cole's room, they talk about Dylan, Cole's date and schedule for plans later in the afternoon )


They meet at David's and get onto the subject of escorting again. Cole finally decides that he's going to set Nicholas up and then something comes out at the end of all of this )

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