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Mar. 20th, 2009


The last call

I still haven't heard from [info]hermoinejean7. If you have your story ready, please email it to I'm waiting one more day.

Mar. 19th, 2009


Due date!

Just a reminder that today is due date. I haven't heard from three participants yet.

Feb. 16th, 2009


Reminder post and beta request

Hi everyone,

We have about four and a half weeks to go until due date, March 19th. Hope everything is going well! But if you think you are going to have a problem getting your story done and betaed before that date, it's always better to contact the mods sooner rather than later.

This is also a reminder that your work needs to be spell-checked and beta-read (we reserve the right to send back to you anything which looks like it hasn't been), so if you haven't already found yourself a beta-reader for your story, now's the time!

If you would like to offer your services as a beta, leave a comment on the LJ community post so others can contact you. (Anyone can do so, not just fest participants.) You can also ask if anyone can beta for you. However, please remember it's your responsibility to find a beta elsewhere if no one responds.

Here is the header that should be pasted into your story document or included in the email for an art submission: Please, use the template sent to you along with your assignment. I'm sorry for the confusion.

You can credit your beta in the notes area if you wish, but this will be edited down to just the first letter of the name, to preserve anonymity until the reveal.

Jan. 17th, 2009


Assignments confirmed

Everyone confirmed that they had received their assignments. Thank you! Now you can set to work safely.

May the muses sing to you!

Jan. 14th, 2009


The assignments are out

All assignments are out. I'm waiting for your confirmation until 18th. If I don't hear from you, your prompt will be re-assigned.

Jan. 2nd, 2009


2009 sign ups

1. This is an an anonymous art and fic exchange. It means that in order to receive a gift you'll have to create something in return. You will know for whom you draw/write, but you won't know who draws/writes for you. It also means that you cannot reveal the authorship of your work to anyone and you cannot post your work elsewhere before the master list is posted here.

2. Schedule:
sign ups: Jan 2-11
prompts out: Jan 15
works due: March 19
posting starts: March 23
reveal: 3 days after the last piece is posted

3. Before you sign up, please, make sure that there are no obstacles for you to be able to submit your gift on time (i.e. final exams, scheduled surgery, family reunion, etc). Remember that by abandoning your assignment you leave someone without a gift, and finding a pinch-hitter at the last moment isn't easy. I understand that there can always be some unpredictable circumstances. As soon as you realise that you will be unable to fulfil your obligation, let the mod know at orpheus_on_samhain_night at yahoo co uk. Without any explanations, simply "I quit". Your gift will be re-assigned and pinch-hitter will take over your place.

People who dropped out from the first round are not allowed to participate in the current one.
List of names )

4. All themes, genres and ratings are allowed, including, but not limited to: canon, missing scenes, AU, dark!fic, what-if!scenarios, time-travel, dystopia, romance, fluff, PWP, love, friendship, hate, revenge, remorse, etc.

5. Lily and Severus must be the main focus of your work. Fic must be at least 1,000 words long, spell-checked and beta read. Artists must think of an equivalent, certainly something more than a quick sketch. The mod reserves the right to return the work with request to correct it, if she thinks that these criteria have not been met. Moreover, your fic cannot be a part of your earlier work - the recipient may not be familiar with it. Your fic must contain all HTML codes you wish to include (italics, bold, etc).

A few beta readers resources, but I strongly recommend Perfect Imagination. Please, secure your beta reader early on to avoid delay.

6. Sign ups are enabled on LJ only to avoid double sign ups and to make it easier for the mod. Posting will take place on both IJ and LJ with comments enabled here and there.

7. Sign up template [right-click in the area, choose 'select all', right-click again, select 'copy' and paste the text into your comment]:

Be as specific or vague as you like.

As a creator please remember that the things listed as your recipient's 'dislikes' must not appear in your work for them.

As a recipient, please, remember that your 'likes' are a guide for an artist/author but don't expect them to include every single one, especially if you listed many. The author will certainly do their best to accommodate your wishes, but remember that it will be their interpretation of your prompts and not a direct projection of your expectations. If you're uncomfortable with any other take on this pairing than your own, please, reconsider your participation.

8. Please, confirm receiving the assignment via return email within 3 days. If not, it will be re-assigned.

If you'd like more people to participate in the exchange, pimp it in your journal, linking to this post. You can use this banner:

If something is unclear don't hesitate to ask.

Click here to sign up on LJ

Dec. 22nd, 2008


Attention! Achtung! Attenzione! Vnimanye! Uwaga!

The second round of Lily/Severus anonymous art and fic exchange will kick off in January.

sign ups: Jan 2-11
prompts out: Jan 15
works due: March 19
posting starts: March 23
reveal: 3 days after the last piece is posted.

You can prepare your sign-up post.


Nov. 13th, 2008


Halloween Challenge reveal!

Our one and only participant was kcstories who wrote Up In Flames *applause*

Oct. 31st, 2008


FIC: "Up In Flames" by kcstories

Title: Up In Flames
Author: kcstories
Rating: PG
Words: ~1,000
Warnings: Character death (not Lily or Severus). Not exactly canon.
Disclaimer This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros. Inc. Written for fun, not profit.
Summary: When Severus Snape arrives on that chilly autumn evening, the sight that greets him is even grimmer than he expected.
Author's Notes:

Up In Flames )

Oct. 29th, 2008


Due date!

If you finished your entry for our Halloween Challenge - send it to Posting in two days!

Sep. 13th, 2008


Halloween Challenge!

On the 31 of October 1981 the Potters have been killed. All because of the prophecy that Sybill Trelawney made, Albus Dumbledore listened to, Severus Snape eavesdropped and passed on to his master, Lord Voldemort, who in turn believed in it and acted on it.

Lily's death was the motivation of the whole adult life of Severus Snape, his deepest regret, something he has never forgiven himself for.

That Lord Voldemort made Lily, among others, his aim, Severus knew for about a year before that tragic night. What did he do to save his beloved? What happened that we haven't been shown in canon? Maybe there was only one tiny element that needed to be changed to change the whole outcome?

...or maybe it didn't happen at all?

If this spurs your inspiration, feel free to share your impressions with us in a form of art or fic.

Details and Dates )

Pimp, take part, enjoy!

Jun. 25th, 2008



The first round of LE/SS exchange is over. Thank you, artists, authors and watchers - you made it possible! Special gratitude goes to our pinch-hitters: alwaysasnapefan, [info]esmestrella, [info]psyfic and [info]tjwritter *hearts*

This is the master list of all artwork and stories posted in [info]less_for_you for our first round, complete with authors' names.

2008 Master List )

There might be another event held this year, ficathon-type. If you're interested,
be sure to have this community on your reading list.

Information about another round of the anonymous exchange will be up in January 2009.

Thank you again!

Jun. 24th, 2008


Any recs?

If you have recced any of the stories you read during the exchange, don't forget to drop a comment so we can tally up reccomendations and submit to [info]daily_snitch, etc. Originally these were asked for on this post but you can leave your links here too. :)

Jun. 23rd, 2008


We're finished!

The last gift has just been posted. We had 23 stories and artworks in total. We'll leave a couple of days for everyone to catch up and then the masterlist/reveal will be posted on Wednesday.

Authors/artists, don't forget to check for comments to your works on both journal sites. Many comments have only been posted in one place, not both.

A big THANK YOU to everyone for making this possible. There could not have been an exchange without all of you to write and make your wonderful art!


FIC for orpheus_samhain: "Call of the Dark"

Title: Call of the Dark
Author: [info]esmestrella
Recipient: [info]orpheus_samhain
Rating: R
Words: ~3,800
Warnings: Some purple prose, brief drug use, slight dub-con (but see rating; no sex).
Summary: Severus has learned that Dark magic can burn away his imperfections, but can he convince Lily to see it his way?
Author's Notes: For [info]orpheus_samhain, who at the eleventh hour was bereft of a gift. This exchange's raison d'etre should not go without! Request included plot, angst, dark, after Hogwarts, Lily not returning and/or playing with Severus's feelings, and Severus as "a flesh and blood person: desires, ambitions, complexes, weaknesses but also brains". Thanks to my betas [info]hobgoblinn and [info]lilyevans_snape, who did record-breaking turnaround time on this.

Call of the Dark )

Jun. 22nd, 2008


FIC for all LE/SS shippers: "Mind The Gap, Please"

Title: Mind The Gap, Please
Author: [info]tjwritter
Recipient: all LE/SS shippers!
Rating: R
Words: ~4,000
Warnings: Major characters are all DEAD!
Summary: Faced with seven choices of where to spend eternity, Severus rides into the sunset…
Author's Notes: This is for all the readers, writers and artists of [info]less_for_you. It is a collection of all the prompts I was presented with. I hope you enjoy!! (First three paragraphs in italics are taken directly from Deathly Hallows, with one slight modification.)

Mind The Gap, Please )

Jun. 21st, 2008


FIC for tjwritter: "The Fates"

Title: The Fates
Author: missyvortexdv
Recipient: [info]tjwritter
Rating: PG-13
Words: ~4,000
Warnings: none
Summary: Severus had hope once, and what life did not take away from him, he gave away bit by bit in a fruitless search for something better than this.
Author's Notes: Written for [info]tjwritter.

The Fates )

Jun. 20th, 2008


FIC for lovesnape: "Severus Snape Sends His Regrets"

Title: Severus Snape Sends His Regrets
Author: [info]tjwritter
Recipient: lovesnape
Rating: NC-17
Words: ~7,000
Warnings: wank, angst, Snape as a Death Eater, cruelty to a Marauder, explicit sex
Summary: What do you give the happy couple who has everything? What if Harry wasn’t the only Potter who received a few of Snape’s choice memories?
Author's Notes: This is for lovesnape. It was a pleasure to receive your request. You gave me so very many choices, including my favorites: dominant!Snape, looking back!Snape and a new one that I thoroughly enjoyed, dark!Snape. I hope you enjoy!! Beta: A.

Severus Snape Sends His Regrets )

Jun. 19th, 2008


FIC for bewarethesmirk: "More Than This"

Title: More Than This
Author: [info]psyfic
Recipient: [info]bewarethesmirk
Rating: R
Words: ~4,000
Warnings: groping, Lily and Severus are 16
Summary: Was Severus going to try to get Remus in trouble again? Lily hated that she still felt compelled to help him...
Author's Notes: Thanks to my beta, britpicker, and hotels with ethernet service.

More Than This )

Jun. 18th, 2008


FIC for misterporcelain: "Lilies Are Red, Roses Are Blue"

Title: Lilies Are Red, Roses Are Blue
Author: [info]esmestrella
Recipient: [info]misterporcelain
Rating: NC-17
Words: ~5,500
Warnings: Sexual activity between teenagers (who are of age in their jurisdiction); gratuitous ignoring of canon; fluff; extreme sappiness; Severus being too pretty; no nutritional value.
Summary: Best friends? Maybe so, but clearly there have been some other thoughts occurring on both sides as well.
Author's Notes: Thanks to my beta [info]spidermoth. Request was for Marauder era, shy Snape, long hair, awkwardness, first time having sex/kissing/etc (but no PWP), fluff, and preferably above PG-13. Wa-hey, I think I might have ticked most of those boxes. Bon appetit!

Lilies are Red, Roses are Blue )

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