May 23rd, 2010

[info]mod_less in [info]less_for_you

FIC for fiendish_thingy: "For the Moment" (PG-13)

Title: For the Moment
Author: [info]midnight_birth
Recipient: [info]fiendish_thingy
Rating: PG-13
Word count: ~3,000
Warnings: Some harsh language, snogging, nothing much else worth mentioning.
Summary: The summer before their fifth year, Severus visits Lily at home for the last time.
Disclaimer: Not mine. I play with permission to do so.
Author’s Notes: I tried to include as much of what you wanted as I could. This is my first time writing this pairing, so I couldn't quite work in smut, but I hope you like it anyway!

For the Moment )