March 30th, 2009

[info]mod_less in [info]less_for_you

FIC for alexajohnson "Catalyst"

Title: Catalyst
Author: potionmistressm
Recipient: [info]alexajohnson
Rating: PG
Word count: ~3,000
Warnings: A few naughty words, slightly AU (made them a bit older since this would have taken place before the SWM incident)
Summary: Lily and Petunia have had a fight. About Severus. Again.
Disclaimer: Don't own. No money being made.
Author's Notes: Hope you like it! I know you wanted an R, but you also asked for no smut just for smut's sake, and I couldn't find a way to include it! Beta credit goes to D.

Catalyst )

[info]mod_less in [info]less_for_you

FIC for sarahetc: "Improvisational Chemistry"

Title: Improvisational Chemistry
Author: lavinialavender
Recipient: [info]sarahetc
Rating: PG
Word count: ~3,000
Warnings: none
Summary: Home from Hogwarts after fifth year, Lily and Severus attempt to work out where they stand with each other.
Disclaimer: Characters and world not mine, etc.
Author's Notes: Thanks to R. for brainstorming and cheerleading and everything. Hope you enjoy, [info]sarahetc!

Improvisational Chemistry )