March 27th, 2009

[info]mod_less in [info]less_for_you

FIC for lilyevans_snape "The Day Before"

Title: The Day Before
Author: roses_at_sunset
Recipient: [info]lilyevans_snape
Rating: G
Word count: ~3,000
Warnings: None
Summary: The wheels that set an event in motion start turning long before the moment itself, but for Severus and Lily, it always seemed the day before what the world saw was when things really changed.
Disclaimer: I own nothing; I’m only playing in JKR’s world.
Author's Notes: I do hope you enjoy this. Your prompt was so wonderfully open that my muse ran in all different directions at once, and so I ended up trying to incorporate several of those threads into one story. Huge thanks go to S. for beta-ing and prodding my muse towards an ending with her wonderful suggestions.

The Day Before )