June 20th, 2008

[info]mod_less in [info]less_for_you

FIC for lovesnape: "Severus Snape Sends His Regrets"

Title: Severus Snape Sends His Regrets
Author: [info]tjwritter
Recipient: lovesnape
Rating: NC-17
Words: ~7,000
Warnings: wank, angst, Snape as a Death Eater, cruelty to a Marauder, explicit sex
Summary: What do you give the happy couple who has everything? What if Harry wasn’t the only Potter who received a few of Snape’s choice memories?
Author's Notes: This is for lovesnape. It was a pleasure to receive your request. You gave me so very many choices, including my favorites: dominant!Snape, looking back!Snape and a new one that I thoroughly enjoyed, dark!Snape. I hope you enjoy!! Beta: A.

Severus Snape Sends His Regrets )