June 12th, 2008

[info]mod_less in [info]less_for_you

FIC for missyvortexdv "Recovering Eroded Trust"

Title: Recovering Eroded Trust
Author: [info]alwaysasnapefan
Recipient: missyvortexdv
Rating: NC-17
Words: ~10,200
Warnings: Violent sex (Severus/Remus, non-con for Severus and dub-con for Remus), used by Voldemort to make a point. Also, slight non-con Greyback/Severus.
Summary: There are obstacles along the way, but Lily and Severus grow to love and trust ach other again. Sometimes recovering eroded trust takes a little forgiving. And, of course, a little forgetting.
Author's Notes: This is actually the second version of this story. The first was very random and very fluffy. I hope you like how I revamped it.

Recovering Eroded Trust )