June 8th, 2008

[info]mod_less in [info]less_for_you

FIC for alexajohnson "Summer Shade"

Title: Summer Shade
Author: [info]esmestrella
Recipient: alexajohnson
Rating: R
Words: ~5,000
Warnings: None
Summary: Lily shares some of her young sexual curiosity with Severus, but that may not have been the best idea.
Author's Notes: Request was for "whatif!scenarios, pre-Hogwarts, angst, hurt/comfort, unrequited love". Sort-of-three out of five ain't bad? I think it's at least ambiguous whether it's requited love or not, and there's angst at the end. AU: Severus and Lily didn't grow apart and then crash and burn they way they did in canon. They are still quite good friends in the summer after sixth year. Thanks to my betas [info]who_la_hoop and [info]juniperus. Hope you enjoy!

Summer Shade )