June 4th, 2008

[info]mod_less in [info]less_for_you

FIC for lavinialavender "Observations Unobserved"

Title: Observations Unobserved
Author: [info]jenwryn
Recipient: lavinialavender
Rating: PG-13
Words: ~3,000
Warnings: Some mild coarse language; wanders around canon nervously.
Summary: Told mostly from Lily’s PoV, this story presents a series of moments from Lily and Severus’s relationship. Swinging between childhood and adolescence, Hogwarts and summer holidays, happiness and not-so-happiness, together they weave a story of friendship and love.
Author's Notes: I really did intend to avoid angst, but my muse is to angst as bees are to honey – but, at the very least, I’ve attempted to make it hopeful honey! It’s a little experimental (at least for me), which is probably not the smartest thing to do for a Fic Exchange, but my muse has had to work overtime on this one, what with Real Life baying at the door, and she seems to work her weirdest under pressure. Either way, I do hope lavinialavender enjoys it. That’s the main thing."

Observations Unobserved )