September 23rd, 2015

[info]supanovas in [info]lemondropz

Who: Nova and Thor
What: Drunkathon Pre-Birthday party Extravaganza
Where: The Three Broomsticks
When: September 22, 9pm
Rating: PG-13, most like.

I'm a Chiquita Banana )

[info]hugsalot in [info]lemondropz

WHO: Lysander and Pippa
WHAT: Lysander is in a pickle
WHERE: Grounds after hours
WHEN: Weds night
STATUS: closed, in progress

Lysander was certain this was a good idea when he set out for the pens where the current creatures for class, flying horses, were kept. He just wanted to make a note real quick on sleeping patterns and now he'd managed to get between a mom and her foal. Not wise. He was perched on the fence, the mother circling and nipping at him, and he saw little way for him to extract himself without harming either of the creatures. At least, not without waking the Groundskeeper and getting months of detention.

His patronus wasn't strong but it sent a message to the person he trusted most. "Help! Flying horse pens!" It squeaked to Pippa before disappearing into a puff of smoke.

[info]unfaithfulstar in [info]lemondropz