July 17th, 2015

[info]takeusaway in [info]lemondropz


OOC NOTE: Hello beautiful people. We have another meme for you all today. This time we bring the CHARACTER QUESTIONNAIRE....

Choose 10 numbers between [1] and [44] and you will be given 10 in-game characters for your character to answer questions about (I'll reply to you off and on throughout the night with my randomized list, for myself I'll be doing a random number generator or have Meg give me people). The list below can be answered involving those ten characters and will correspond to 1-10 when listed. The order in which you pick your 1-44 will be the way they are listed to you 1-10. :)

You can do this for as many of your characters as you’d like. Once you have your ten characters, answer the questions as in-character as possible! Please just comment with your character name and your ten numbers. :)

Questionnaire! )