Aug. 1st, 2011


Michelle here. Since Gin dropped, I swooped in and saved Damon, thus I'll be taking over as him. Um, I fail at paying attention to what his plot was with people before (I know he was married to Elena...thats about it.) so if anyone wants to continue just fill me in, otherwise I'm starting fresh, and by fresh, I mean end of the second season, with him.

Thank you Cleveland, goodnight!

Jul. 16th, 2011


After a little poking, I'm bringing in the resident plot device and all around dick higher being Godstiel. He's a temporary character and completely willing to cut down all who won't bow...if he can get to them.

Consider him at all of your disposals if anyone wants to thread or interact with him as long as they can get outside the town.

- Ash



Hello everyone! My name is Robin and I play Bryan Ryan from the Glee fandom. Bryan is a villain of sorts, and I'm very excited to begin playing with you all! Just thought I'd introduce myself!

You can reach me at (:

Jun. 28th, 2011


This is mainly for the mods, but since I did not do an introduction post, this is Val.

I play Lois Lane, Lilah Morgan, and Jean Grey.

So if you want to plot or talk to me about plotting, comment me here or IM me.

To the mods, I changed Lois's PB to Jordana Brewster(at last).

Jun. 25th, 2011


Michelle here, again, with yet another charie!I know, its an addiction.I need to go to RP rehab!but first: This is Antha Mayfair!From the Mayfair Chronicles.More specifically the Witching hour, even though they only talk about her in various pages, for some reason her muse jumped out at me.

Anyhoo, for those who havn't read the Mayfair Chronicles.Antha is considered a "Witch"because, even though she's so young, she coud see "the man", AKA A spirit called Lasher and could talk to him and make him appear at Will.Theres also a brief metion she was telekinitic, but she won't be using that very much.She's...mostly shy, unless some manages to gain her trust or she simply takes a liking to them.Oh, and she's also 8 years old(I know it says 10 in the bio, I was half asleep when I wrote it, dont judge me!)and is rarily seen without her stuffed teddy bear(who is simply called mister bear and she's concinved he can talk)

Plot with her!she doesnt bite!but she will cry and throw things!

Jun. 24th, 2011


Okay I'm at max seriously if anyone wants to enable anymore NO ASKING ME!

Today I brought in Ianto Jones, and a Bioshock/Resident Evil cross over version of Sherry Birkin because Dude really the idea of Umbrella playing with the slugs from Bioshock is a terrifying idea.  So of course we have to right?!

Plotty ideas for [info]here_take_this, [info]catchdinowchoco, [info]21companion,and
[info]summerhavok, are luv.  Still have no idea how to intro Ianto and the little Sherry yet.  Alex is in already.  And my crazy companion will probably be in with 12 doc.  careful she bites

Jun. 23rd, 2011


Hi all,

I'm Shoshana bringing you the ever lovely Dr Temperance Brennan from Bones. Don't call her Bones, only Booth can call her that. She's going to be our resident Forensic Anthropologist and she is the best in her field (if she does say so herself). Brenn's coming in after the end of The Change in The Game. Not sure how long after, possibly a month after as current with canon time, she is pregnant with Seeley Booth's child, only about 11 weeks no one is supposed to know, unless you are Booth.

Also, if anyone wants to pick him up, I will love you forever and offer plots like you don't believe.

And plots for her are love.


Look at this, I love y'all so much I had to replace my two empty slots! 

The first character is Cassie Anderson here. She's a Marvel OC (specifically X-Men set) and is a mutant with telekinesis and minor telepathy. She also has cold skin which is why if any character interact with her, they'll probably notice her wearing a scarf and wool gloves...all the time. Cassie's a happy girl who's dependant on her brother in a sense, who's her lifeline basically. More's in her journal and I'll be adding stuff to it soon about her.

Second is my AU Jimmy Novak (~nevergotwings), who didn't have things go accordingly when his wife and daughter were kidnapped by demons and ended up making a deal after they were killed, leading to him shutting Castiel out. Jimmy went to Hell when his deal ran up twenty four hours later. He got back in his body with the help of a certain demon named Ruby. There's more on him in his journal. He'll be coming in sometime after the events of 5.01's "Good God Y'all". 


Jun. 21st, 2011


Michelle, one of your loverly mods here, bringing in yet ANOTHER charie.This is one is Demon!dean winchester.He's AU season 4 all the way up to present.He's AU because when Cas pulled him out...he came back wrong.That is, he came back with demonic abilitys and an even worse thirst for violence then normal.

Of course, like all demons he's not immune to holy water,iron, silver, or any of that fun stuff but he is better at keeping his 'condition'well hidden.Oh, and his sister slash well trained pet, is Sere(YAY!!!)whome I adore.Yes, it is wincest, don't like it?don't look!

On that note.Yes.Since he is a demon, I play him violent, twisted and down right sickening.However I know some of you aren't into that so I'd be happy to tone down threads if need be,just tell me first.

Jun. 13th, 2011


Misha here, adding S3/S4 Sammy to the mix. He joins 2014!Dean in my headspace, so it's kinda cramped and crowded in there with both of them!

I just got Dean in play today, via the breakfast thread. He's irritable and grumpy and not the most pleasant guy to be around. He really just needs to get laid...(this is where he says he's taking applications for volunteers).

Sammy's coming in from the summer between S3 and S4, which means Dean's gone to hell in his experience. He's more than a little rough around the edges, likely irritable and grumpy, but...he's been getting laid regularly, thank you very much. He's also got a full on demon blood addiction, so.

Plots for either of the boys would be so much love.

Jun. 12th, 2011


I enabled myself. I'm bringing in my AU Scott Summers who never cracked his head as a kid so he has full control over his powers (as long as he doesn't like, spiral into a fit of rage). He's a mix of comic and movie verses, mainly the former. Scott has not yet encountered Magneto with the X-Men and the group's been mostly training & keeping low key. 

Plots would be awesome. <3

~ Ash 


Jun. 7th, 2011


He's heeere...

Where's your women at?

Mister here with my second pup, Lestat de Lioncourt.

Jun. 5th, 2011


Hello everyone. Lilith would like to play. :3 hit me up on AIM if you want to plot.

Jun. 2nd, 2011


Late to the party!

Hey everyone. I'm Mister, and I'm bringing in Albert Wesker, since I was told you guys needed a villain. :D I might bring in some others later. Till then, looking forward to playing with you all!


Leon wanted to come to the party too! XD So here he is. Let's see...he's 34, still rocking the 90's style hair, a government agent, and romantically challenged. He's post Degeneration.

I'm working on bringing in Parker from Leverage and Alaric Saltzman from TVD, so I'm sure you may see them around soon too.

Plots are love~


May. 27th, 2011


The awkward moment where I've been lazy and caught up in school and other fun RL stuff and haven't intro'd or posted yet... ;;

Hai guys. Um, I'm Ash and i probably know some of you already. Currently, I only have on pup in game, which is Clay Miller here. He's from the reboot of Friday the 13th and will be post movie. Yes, even after the freaky Jason jumping out and grabbing Whitney thing. He's on the road again basically trying to get his life going again, but he's a big brother and lost her again.

I love plots and am pretty open to any ideas! My aim's acoldburden. The next week and a half will just be a little shaky since I'm finishing up school still.


Hi friends! I'm Dani. I've brought my pup along, Messr. Sirius Black of Harry Potter. He's post-Deathly Hallows, so he's looking the way Harry saw him in the forest. More info is in his application, conveniently located in his journal. Feel free to drop me a message there or IM at Pegasus1788 for plottage/chatting purposes. :-)

May. 21st, 2011


Greetings, all. I joined about a week ago, I guess, but as I'm nearing the end of the school year stress has been high and then I managed to snag a sinus infection and what not, so I never got around to intro'ing my pretty boy here. This is Dean Winchester, from Supernatural. He's irritable and grumpy and he's got a constant fist, pumped and ready to hit something, or someone.

As for me, I'm about to be off work for two glorious months. I've got a week left with kids and then one lone teacher work day the Tuesday after Memorial Day. After that, I'm home free for about 8 weeks. Wheeee.

Dean's my first here, but I'll probably end up with more after I get him settled. I really, really, really hope the Sam hold comes through. Dean without Sam is not a complete Dean. it's sadtimes!

Plot is love. You can hit me up on AIM, my screen name is <>CeruleanInzzanity</b> but I have it blocked, so you have to request an add if you're not already on my list. I just got so freakin tired of the spambots.