Aug. 19th, 2011


Hey everyone. I'm leaving Last Stand. I've lost a lot of interest in the game, and I can't find myself to be motivated any longer. I enjoyed playing with all of you, and I apologize for any abrubtly ended threads. Hope you all have fun. You know Dean never was good at staying in one place for very long, and he sucks at goodbyes.

Aug. 7th, 2011



After much consideration, I've decided to drop. I just don't have the interest to play here like I used to. I tried to stick it out for as long as I could, tried to do things to get myself interested, but it's just not there.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to thread with me. I'll have Claire around sws and the like so if you see her there, feel free to poke. :)

Aug. 1st, 2011


Michelle here. Since Gin dropped, I swooped in and saved Damon, thus I'll be taking over as him. Um, I fail at paying attention to what his plot was with people before (I know he was married to Elena...thats about it.) so if anyone wants to continue just fill me in, otherwise I'm starting fresh, and by fresh, I mean end of the second season, with him.

Thank you Cleveland, goodnight!

Jul. 31st, 2011


I have decided to leave this game. I have a lot of other games going at the moment, and honestly, since the character drop, I've found my motivation here to be lacking because a lot of the characters I used to play off here are gone. It's nothing personal, I hope that everyone can understand that, and I look forward to meeting and playing with all of you in other games.

Jul. 25th, 2011


I'm home! Finally. I actually got home last night, and I'm sort of still recovering. But I'm home, and in my own bed and this is a good thing!

I made a run on my inbox this afternoon, and answered everything I had backed up. If I missed something you're waiting for please don't hesitate to let me know, and of there's something in game that I have missed completely that you want me to hit, please poke me! I have tried to keep up with the comms but the last couple days proved difficult with my unstable and unreliable internet, so...I may have missed things. So I'm serious, don't hesitate to poke me!

And expect my boy to make himself active again over the next few days (and I need to intro Ben!). Just in time to go back to work next week, so I'll slow down again, but I'm HOME and that's going to make a world of difference! Besides, I don't want to get caught up again just to fall behind a week later!

Jul. 23rd, 2011


Misha here. I was supposed to head home today, but our trip got derailed because of weather. I may not be home tomorrow as planned, it might be Monday. I'm at my brother's for another night, heading home tomorrow for sure.

I ended up not being online much at all this past week. I ended up roaming the town, staying a night here, a night there, spending my days outside in the horrific and oppressive heat. So even when I could get online in the evenings I was too hot and too exhausted to think enough to tag. I apologise for anyone who's been left hanging in any way, I realised in hind sight I should have taken full hiatus instead of saying I'd be around some. Ah well, live and learn. I'm not planning to go away from home for 3 weeks again, but if I do I will take full hiatus and maybe even leave the computer home. I know it's annoying when you're left waiting for someone, but please know if I have left you hanging it was not intentional and I will get to those tags as soon as I can.

That said, I ♥ you all, and I'm looking forward to finally getting home and getting in my own environment and back in my own routine. The only problem is I go back to work next Monday and I'll continue the slow pace for a couple of weeks, but hopefully I won't completely disappear for days at a time, and hopefully I won't leave things hanging for so long.

Meanwhile, I'm planning to have Sammy participate in the kid plot. He'll be like 5, I think. Maybe 6. Looking forward to getting him in play!

Jul. 18th, 2011


So. I'm still at my brothers. I have another week or so left of this vaycay. And I'm so ready to be home. I got to see my best friend and spend the day with her today, and she's the reason I'm here and I'm really glad to see her, but...I'm so ready to be home and back in my own environment. I'm not heading hime till Saturday, and I won't be home until Sunday and I figure I'll be worthless Monday and then Weds is a really insanely busy day, and then I go back to work the following Monday, two weeks from today and it feels like time is going do fast and so slow at the same time and I'm rambling.

The real reason for another OOC from me is because for some reason I'm not getting all my notifications, and being away from home and being so transient the last few days, I have no idea what tags I'm completely missing. Thing is there's no rhyme or reason. It's been going on for three days now, I'm getting some tags. Like in one game two of my characters replied to the same post. I got one notification and not the other when the original posting character replied to my two. In another thread I got like 5 tags in a row then didn't get one and when I thought to check the thread and replied again, I got the next notification, but then not the next one after that. So it's completely random and sparadic and I honestly have no idea what I've hit and what I haven't...

If I owe you a tag at all, don't be afraid to poke me (preferably with a link) here or in AIM. If I haven't got a tag sitting in my inbox to prod me, I can't guarantee I'll remember what I haven't hit lately, and I may end up missing things completely. I'd rather be poked about things I have sitting in my inbox than miss things I don't have, you know? So please please please poke me about anything you're waiting on.

Much love to everyone.

Jul. 3rd, 2011


Per this post, 2014!Dean Winchester has left the tower. He's going out into the wolds. Call it a sabbatical, maybe it's a vision quest. Point is, he's wearing his walking shoes. He's going on full hiatus while I'm away, while Sammy will be on slowatus.

I will be away from tomorrow, July 4, through Monday July 25. A week after that I go back to work and I usually take slowatus for a couple of weeks while I get back in the groove of working again, so 2014!Dean may be out of play for a good long while. I don't know if anyone here would be interested in taking him over, but that's a possibility too. I'd be willing to give him to a good home.

In the meantime, I will probably be scarce this next week, but after the SPN convention, I'll be at my brother's for two weeks, and I expect to have regular, steady internet there. I might be off line during the day, but I'll likely be around most nights. Feel free to poke me on AIM!