July 30th, 2011

[info]onlyidrive in [info]last_stand_ooc

Team 1-
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Jo Harvelle

Team 2-
Future Castiel
Serena Winchester
Claire Redfield

Team 3-
Past Castiel
Derek Morgan
Mary Campbell

Team 4-
Buffy Summers
Tess Mercer
Katherine Singer

Team 5-
Anna Milton
Claire Bennet

So far, these are the teams that I've set up for the Godstiel Raid. If there's a problem with these teams, or you'd like to be placed on another team, or have yet to tag into the thread that says where your characters will be, let me know. I'm able to change things up, but I do want to see this plot get rolling. First name in each team is the team leader.