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Landvik Academy RPG

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siete. [31 Mar 2013|12:19am]

It's official: I've been thirty-three for a week, and now I'm really feeling like an old lady. One day, I'm going to throw out my back, and then who will give Rex love? Who will let Andy inside to hang around in my flowers? Who will squirt mustard into Rhys' face? I'm conflicted.

Now, old lady complaints aside, has there been any news on those missing activists? There hasn't been a single peep from the media, as far as I've heard.

Oh, and Happy Easter. ♥

[31 Mar 2013|09:34am]
Um. So missing Puggle, responds to PhiPhi - not sure how she can go missing in a locked apartment Valentina but there it is. $2000 reward for her safe return. This is my little girl.

I ... can't even. Nevermind. Anything I say to you will be laughed off because there's not even the tiniest bit of decency in you.

CONSOLE ME! Punch Val in the face. No, you're a gentleman and that's rude.

sixth of july. [31 Mar 2013|11:38am]


fifth bite. [31 Mar 2013|02:59pm]
[ filter; vampires ]

My donor asked me to turn her this morning. I said no, it's not right. But she asked me. She's never asked me before. Do-- I report her? Is that the protocol?

[31 Mar 2013|03:15pm]
i need a room full of donor slaves

i'm just so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so thirsty.

no need to say anything. just keeping everyone updated with my thoughts. :)

[31 Mar 2013|05:34pm]
Jesus Zombie Day, yay!

IC cut )

Who wants humongous amounts of chocolate?

[31 Mar 2013|06:18pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | calle ocho - pitbull ]

Happy Zombie Jesus Day, or whatever holiday you celebrate around this time.

not cut IC )

[31 Mar 2013|06:24pm]
Darlings, my husband's dog disappeared. Be so kind and look for this dog, so Rian stops annoying me.

[Filter: Rian]
I will get a snake. You know, as belated birthday present.

[Filter: Yilin]
I have a plan. You keep the dog as long as possible while I try to convince Rian that $5000 would be more appropriate if he wants to get his dog back as soon as possible. In a week or so, you can bring the dog back, cash the reward and we'll split it. How does that sound?

[31 Mar 2013|06:39pm]
[Filter: Katherine]
I have to tell you something.

[ viewing | March 31st, 2013 ]
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