Landvik Academy RPG's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Landvik Academy RPG

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6. [30 Mar 2013|02:56pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]

There's been all manner of tension around after that ruined mission, and people are reacting to it in all sorts of different ways. I know that I, personally, have been making sure to pay better attention in my training classes and have been doing everything I can to be more aware of my surroundings. I've even started working out, so I can fight things off if I need to, and I've been debating learning how to use a modern weapon as well, though I'm not a fan of killing or hurting others.

All that being said, I found something that made me incredibly happy, and I thought I should share.

(not cut ic'ly) )

⌈ f o u r ⌋ [30 Mar 2013|05:26pm]
[ filter; gunslingers, sans tyler ]
I think it goes without saying that after what happened last weekend, we should all take extra care in what information our Hunters give us. Double-check with them if you must, but make certain the information you receive is the correct information, however you can.

None of you deserve to end up as Ronson did, even if it was his own doing. And if anyone is interested in target practice, do let me know.

[ filter; damian & edmund ]
Are either of you doing something for Easter?

[30 Mar 2013|06:26pm]
I'm bored. I guess I shouldn't be, but I am. Even though this is a new "adventure," it leaves me with a lot of time on my hands.

Does anyone else get sick of time? Just wondering...

[30 Mar 2013|11:15pm]
[ mood | amused ]

on a note unrelated to all of our recent troubles-

what are you lot doing for easter?

personally, i'm getting a cake.

[30 Mar 2013|11:50pm]
[ mood | pensive ]
[ music | poison and wine - the civil war ]

[filter private]

So fucking tired. Can't sleep, not enough anyway. I thought you were the one who needed me to sleep, not the other way around. I get to hunt here, instead of being hunted. You'd be worried sick.

Keeping that damn promise.

[ viewing | March 30th, 2013 ]
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