Dec. 26th, 2008


Howdy everyone! I bring you Dr.Jack Dent.

A cut for cut's sake )


So its like seven something and I'm on break and bored out of my mind so I thought I'd take this opportunity to throw out this cry for threads/aim scenes/convos. Not right this second mind you. Replying to scenes from a blackberry is rough but, you know, for future reference. Just drop a comment or if you see me on aim later ( when I'm not dead tired ) hit me up.

Dec. 23rd, 2008


I realized after doing all the work to put his Bio/Schedule/Storylines up on Scribbld that I haven't actually introduced myself to everyone else!

My mandatory cut. Damnit. )

Dec. 22nd, 2008


One Giant Cello


This is Lydia Zakharov, the Orchestra/IB Musical Theory/Appreciation teacher and she's been at this job since she was 28 and now she's 30! She's also involved in the Boston Symphony Orchestra! I think I read that teachers who haven't been teaching here that long get to have a mentor so that would be a fun line! If she's not in either of the classes she teaches then she'll probably then she'll probably be subbing another teacher's class, offering some extra music lessons to a student/students, or doing stuff around the office. Lydia is friendly toward just about everyone so how about we give her some lines? :]

Dec. 20th, 2008


I present Adrien Cook!

If you have a character with a penchant for poking around the hallways after-hours, they've probably heard Adrien's Tchaikovsky echoing through some corridor in the distance or caught a glimpse of him whizzing by with a pile of papers and canvases. He's the resident art teacher and carries on the tradition of being eccentric. He may be intimidating at first - he's either gentlemanly and elegant or seem like an over-dedicated academic - but the minute you get a good look at him, you'll know he's a boy at heart. You'll probably walk in and find this skinny little paint-rag of a man leering over a canvas and looking as fixated and deranged as Beethoven - but he'll just as easily spin around, apologize and politely offer you some coffee or tea (both brew infinitely in his room).

He takes in art students by the dozens and lets them hang around his room like lost kittens while he's working (like Warhol and The Factory, just less amphetamines, more paint/caffeine). If the music alone doesn't draw them in, not counting class, it could just as easily be that his door seems to be left open longer than any of the others after the bell, sometimes off into the evening. To not only art students - but students in general - he is the encouraging, dedicated teacher you excepted only existed in movies like Dead Poet's Society and The Emperor's Club. He wants to take students under his wing and patch them up and send them off flying.

In the staffroom he's usually found tucked away by the window, sipping from a mug or messily scarfing a pastry while reading a book or catching up on marking. He's reserved and quiet when he's shy, watching people around him, but if you engage him with as little as eye contact or a few words he'll smile promptly and respond very fluidly. He's extremely friendly and could probably surprise you with how much he's learned about you just by watching you a bit. He feels a bit lonely right now on the staff, though, and could use some attention. He's a very good friend and it would delight me to show his colors. A few misguided students would be great, too. Or students that could even teach him a thing or two! Just people in general.

aesthete adrien is where to go if you want to IM with questions or ideas privately, or leave a comment or PM! If you want to know anything else about him, I rambled on in ridiculous amounts in his survey and bio.

Dec. 18th, 2008


the cohenhead needs SLs promptly

Maybe I should fall in line and make this a cut. )


I'm hungry for storylines )


toru told you

Being a copy cat, here's his stuff again for any new kids interested. )


With all the new peeps, figured I'd throw this out there again

Cranky McCrankerson, reporting for duty )

Dec. 16th, 2008


Hey guyz!

I thought I'd share something that you may or may not already know but if you're in a thread that you didn't start and WANT to know when the next person replies so you don't leave them hanging then DO THE FOLLOWING:

-At the top of the thread are all those nifty little buttons so you should hit the one that looks like a thumbtack. NO DON'T HIT THE SCREEN WITH YOUR FIST IT WILL HURT.

-You'll be taken to another page and you will be prompted to SAVE but make sure you have the box under Email checked and then his SAVE

-Go to MANAGE NOTIFICATIONS to make sure its there and then YAY you can receive emails and not hold up a thread and be awesome.

Dec. 14th, 2008


Hey there! This is Cassidy Taylor, first name of Epimetheus but we'll be ignoring that as he's not a big fan. He's 19 years old, just turned 19 actually on the 8th, and dude to overprotective parent syndrome was held back a year in High School. Cassidy is in French Club, Debate Team and Science Club and is on the swimming and track team at school. He's very energetic and very very hyper, a lot of the time he is bouncing, and he's almost always happy, very nice to everyone.

So best friends, friends, people who find him annoying?

Dec. 12th, 2008


Look who it is! It's Misha and he needs lines. I will also make an SL post because I haven't done it yet. SO give me some! He'll need a teacher to help him out with some stuff since his eyes are broken :D. He'll also need his friends and some people he doesn't get along with and other junk. <3

Dec. 11th, 2008


toru told you

Well, this is Toru. There's an enormous amount of information about him in his journal, but here's a little rundown; he's your resident Creative Writing, AP English Language and Composition and Journalism teacher. He tries to make classes awesome most of the time, though he will be giving out assignments like candy. He's originally from Dallas, Texas so jokes are to be had about that if you don't mind being on the end of his sharp little tongue, and his past is a little messed up but he's cheerful about it, and it's no secret, he's written two books about it after all. He still mourns his pink hair, which he had to lose when he came to work here (and most of his icons are pink haired because the pb is Kaoru Niikura and there are three varieties of picture: about ten pink haired, a million spikey ridiculously haired, about three brown haired before he started looking ridiculous with chin pubes, and chin pubes are not the look this character is going for ok).

So, who's up for lines? At this point most everything is available.

Dec. 10th, 2008



We all know that this is Ansel Klein, resident keeper of the long hair and sunshine rainbow bullshit. Chances are he will most likely try to get along with you and want to hug you because he has to overcompensate for lack of attention from his parents, yay! He's got SLs but he always needs more and also I still need to write the rest of those damn things out and because I'm half lazy (and sleepy) any help would be fantastic. :3