Main RPG

•An intricate combination of paths or passages in which it is difficult to find one's way or to reach the exit.

•Complicated or tortuous arrangement, as of streets or buildings.

•Any confusingly intricate state of things; a bewildering complex.

January 22nd, 2015



- - -

Who: Daniella and Maleko
When: Saturday Morning, January 3 - Week Five
Where: Rinth hospital
Summary: Daniella wakes up
Warning: TBD

Read more )



A Rainy Night

Who: Tuesday and Emi
When: Week Five: Saturday, January 3rd, evening
Where: the circus
Summary: getting reacquainted
Warnings/Rating: low/medium

a reading )



Nightmares begin

Who: Callisa - Narrative
When:Week Five; Saturday Jan 3rd - Early, early morning
Where: Her apartment above Maleko's garage
Summary: Nightmares knocking

Nightmares bring sleepless nights )