May 5th, 2008

[info]absolutelysheba in [info]kobols_legacies

Morning Run

From the terrace of the Sertorius’ suite, Jilleen in a dark red sweat jacket and gray shorts stretched for her morning exercises.  Her first meeting with her therapist was not scheduled until later in the day. She had arrived on the Shangri-la last night after the shuttle had made stops at the Pacifica, Ark Royal, and then Babylonia, which a majority of single men and some women had disembarked for a night of recreation.

Jilleen’s unexpected leave of duty left her no desire to remain aboard the Avalon, especially in the midst of preparations for the impending operation. Her written orders from Sinclair had made allowances for off ship sessions and were non-specific about the length of time. On the Shangri-la, Councilman Sertorius and his wife allowed her to stay with them and shared their luxurious residential suite, giving her a private room all to herself.  It afforded them the privilege to boast of hosting a daughter of a former Aerilan Governor among those of their social circle. In return, Jilleen enjoyed all the amenities of first class accommodations and membership.

Morning Exercise )