April 23rd, 2008

[info]absolutelysheba in [info]kobols_legacies

Briefing Anika

Jilleen had the double role of being the Avalon’s operations officer and the Strike Group’s operations officer, a position of great responsibility, one of which she had been performing for years now. She had her set ways, and for the most part understood her place in the scheme of things.  It was her job plain and simple.

After Commander Burk informed her of the Sting, and its possible role in the close reconnaissance mission, she saw the merit. What she did not understand was why they would agree to allow the civilian captain to pilot the ship, there were plenty of talented and skilled military pilots who could do the job. She could herself, at least she believed so. Any ways it had been part of the deal, they get to use the ship if Anika flew it.
Unwelcomed )

[info]sephy_solari in [info]kobols_legacies

Meditations On Luxury

Persephone thinks on fond memories. )

[info]grimm_reaper in [info]kobols_legacies

The decks they were going to use for training hadn't been used recently John noted as he went around them again to give them a final once-over before heading up to greet his team as they arrived. Word had been sent through that they would start shipping in in a few hours and he was looking forward to seeing them.

One week. That's what he'd been told. One week to get the unit back operational and ready to roll out. It'd been three years since they'd worked together, but he knew most of them would be chomping at the bit to get back into their designated role. Especially his 2IC, Spider. Serben Webb, aka Spider, had hated being assigned to the job of 'peacekeeper', muttering to John on one ocassion they were having rec leave on Babylon together that if he'd wanted to be a cop he'd have '...joined the frakkin' MPs!!!'.

With a final look over the corridor that led to their 'goal' on the first training run John closed the hatch and locked it, the codes only known to him and very few others. They didn't want anyone wandering in there unwittingly as the training was going on. Whatever this mission was it was more secret than anything he'd been involved with since C-Day...